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COMIC CON FEATURETTE:   This Blog's  'Main Feature' today was about the biblical character of Lazarus, updated for the present.

Another old character that has also been 'updated' is Beowulf, but in this case the character is known as 'Kid Beowulf' and not the overtly violent Beowulf that has been depicted recently on screen.

Tina and I viewed a few pages of this presentation at the 2009 Comic Con International:  San Diego, (a.k.a. SDCC).  We did not receive a copy of the full format for possible review.

Below is Alexis E Fajardo, cartoonist, who showed us this presentation at his booth in the Small Press area. We received a 'Press Kit' telling us about this concept, and Tina realized that the concept would be better fitted for school readings, as it is an all ages series.  It appeared to be more of a graphic novel format to us. 

Plus, since Tina and I showed interest in this project, he also showed us several more projects that he intends to publish that are in the same vein.

Tina made a few suggestions to Alexis, and I thought I should mention his concept here, as Alexis was presenting Kid Beowulf at a comic con setting.  You can see for yourself what Alexis is creating by checking out his web site:

Or if You are a Facebook Member then take a look at his Kid Beowulf Fan Page and join him at: click here

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