
Topic: Comic Book Movies
Launching May 2nd of 2008! The IRON MAN Movie !
That's right! The new movie poster is shown to the right, just above the photo of the Iron Man suit that we ran a few weeks ago in this blog! The Iron Man movie is now in production with Robert Downey Jr (as Iron Man), Gwyneth Paltrow (as Pepper Potts), and Terrence Howard (as War Machine), in the Jon Favreau-directed film. This is the first film in which Marvel Entertainment provides the financing through its arrangement with Merrill Lynch, so this needs to be a blockbuster film for the stockholders! It looked like a good movie script at the SDCC, but the casting so far is a little strange in my opinion! And now it looks 'back to its' roots' for inspiration! That's the first thing of this movie that I personally like so far !!! Pepper Potts was first introduced in the comic book, Tales of Suspense #45 in September of 1963 ! See bottom right for the comic book cover. There will have to be some changes made to Gywneth for her to look even close to how Pepper was portrayed in the comics.... Then again, Kirsten Dunst is a blonde who plays a redhead in the Spider-Man movies, and the new female character who plays Gwen Stacy is a red-head that plays the blonde part.... So Go Figure.... That's the Magic of Hollywood !! Gywneth starred in 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow', which I really enjoyed... so I am willing to give her a chance at this role in Iron Man. Just as I am more willing to give this movie a chance, with it going back to the original armor to start out with... (maybe in flashback??). For those interested in the Invincible Iron Man comic books, we have a few listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store. Thanks for viewing this popular culture / comics blog post.... and feel free to comment!Plus don't forget to VOTE in our poll, just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly below ! Michael
| The Iron Man Movie Poster!
Iron Man above in his cast iron first suit, and below with it painted with gold color to stop scarring little kids! Seriously !
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