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Monday, October 8, 2007
Avengers Assemble !
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book History


Click here to see the  AVENGERS listings! 

Above is one of the most exciting Avengers Covers, when Captain America called for new Avengers to join the team!  For current listings, just click on the cover!  


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Click here to see the FANTASTIC FOUR listings! 

Above is one of the reasons why the Original Avengers were dismantled! With their own comic books, and guest appearances, they were hard to keep track of!  For current listings of Marvel's FIRST Family Superhero Team, just click on the cover!  



That's The Call For Marvel's First Non-Family Superhero Team To Come Together!



This comic book title was from Marvel Comics of course!

The first volume ran from September of 1963 to September 1996 with 402 issues!

The first issues featured Ant-Man/Giant-Man & the Wasp, The Mighty Thor, Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man!

This was the type of superhero team that Publisher Martin Goodman wanted when he directed Stan Lee to create a superhero team to compete against National (DC) Comics' Justice League of America!

Only One Problem then... there weren't any Marvel Super-heroes around in 1961!

Captain America, the Human Torch and Sub-Mariner had been revived briefly in the mid 1950's but didn't last! 

That is why the Fantastic Four were born! Stan and Jack had to create a brand new team! 

But Stan Lee had a problem by issue #16!  Almost all of the super-heroes in the Avengers had their own comic book also, and the continuity was hard to keep track of!

So with issue #16, pictured to the top left, Captain America took over as team leader and new 'Avengers' were brought in. That was the START of seemingly hundreds of super-heroes to be Avengers in the upcoming years!! LOL!

To see what issues we have in stock, just click on the comic book cover to the top left!

Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and feel free to comment below !



Posted by makeitsomarketing at 2:53 PM PDT
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