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Monday, October 8, 2007
For You New Collectors Or Sellers of Paper Collectibles !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Cons


BAG & BOARD Your Comics!
Above is sample of comic book inside a comic bag and with a backing board to properly protect your comic!


Mylars are Great for Your EXPENSIVE Comic Books!
Above is sample of a comic book with a Mylar 'bag' and  with a acid-free backing board to best protect your comic! We use stickers for the grade at the top right.
Store Your Comics in Comic Book BOXES!
Above is sample of a short comic book box, with a comic book divider to properly store and index your comics!


Welcome To Our World! Our Shipments AREN'T delivered by the Batmobile, Just the USPS!

Note From Make It So Marketing:
Each comic / comics book or magazine in our eBay Featured Store is individually graded, inventoried, priced, bagged and boarded, before being listed for sale! We attend several  pop culture and comic books conventions during the year to replenish our inventory for resale!
Comics Graded And Then Listed Here!
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NOTE:  This Blog Post May Not Be Viewed Properly On YOUR Screen Due To the Changes eBay is Making on the Blog Format At this time OR In The Future!  Additionally, this blog post is written for IE Browsers. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently.


Click here to see OUR TV AND MOVIE COMICS / MAGAZINES listings! 
Above is sample of a Third Party Graded Comic Book, this one from CGC. We will be updating our previous blog post on third party graded comics in the days to come!
Click here to see our Mighty Marvel Superhero listings!
To Protect YOUR paper collectibles so you can enjoy them in the days to come! Thanks for reading this blog post! 



For You New Collectors Or Sellers of Paper Collectibles...

Don't Forget to BAG, BOARD & BOX Your Comic Books, Magazines, and other Paper Collectibles You Purchase or Sell!

In an earlier post I noted that you need to bag and board your comic books or magazines, (click here for earlier post), to store them properly. 

Then I posted what kind of backing boards to choose from depending on what you going to do with the comics or mags, keep them, get ready to sell them, etc... (click here for that post).

Thirdly I posted about what kind and size of comic book or magazine bags to use, (click here for post).

This post will be what kind of boxes will best fit your comics or mags!  Comic Book Boxes are boxes that are actually manufactured to store comic boxes! 

Most of the boxes that are manufactured for comic books storage are usually made very strong, and come with sturdy well-fitting lids and handle holes that can be left in the closed position for storing or pushed open for carrying.

Comic Book Boxes are properly sized to hold a comic in a bag with a backing board.  There are comic book boxes made for Modern Age and Silver Age Comics, and I find that Magazine Boxes are best for storing Golden Age Comics. 

Short Boxes versus Long Boxes.... Trust me on this one! I have set up at comic book conventions using both sizes.  If you have access to a handcart, long boxes are fine. If you have to wait to use a handcart, then short boxes are better for carrying out to your vehichle.  If storing your comics only and not handling them other than inserting new ones, then I would go with the short boxes.  Less weight, (less comics also), and you are less likely to get a hernia lifting boxes up and down!

There are also comic book divider cards, (used for categorizing or separating titles), that fit in comic book boxes with the lid on. These are very helpful when attempting to find the comics you have already stored to insert more issues you have just bought!

Comic book boxes are normally sold or shipped flat which takes up less storage room. The boxes will fold together when you are ready to use them without using glue or tape and are easily assembled.

The main reason for storing your comics in a properly sized box is that the box helps protect your comics from corners and edges damage.

Also, placing your comics in a comic box also protects the comic from being exposed to ultra-violet light. Would you believe that ultra-violet light causes inks to fade?!!

Comic Book boxes are made from either Corrugated Plastic or Corrugated Cardboard. They come in several different lengths for your various storage/display needs.  I have used both, and find that cardboard are fine for storage and less money for our current purposes, which is storing comics in short boxes to pick and pull for comic book sales orders.

However, using corrugated plastic comic boxes could be an excellent choice for long-term comic storage for the collector because the material is normally acid-free, mostly water proof, probably vermin resistant and definitely strong to place more boxes on top.

A note about acid-free boxes. Comic storage boxes do not need to be acid-free IF you have your comics in bags already!

This post is the END of our Blog Posts on how to bag, board, and store your comic book (and magazine) collectibles.  If you have any questions, feel free to post your question below. 



Thanks for reading this popular culture - comics - comic books blog post and feel free to comment below !




Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:17 PM PDT
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