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Saturday, December 15, 2007
Bloggers Just Can't Get Enough Of...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History

The Julie Newmar & Halle Berry As 'Catwoman'

Blog Post 

...that we first posted on March 11th 2007!

Since then eBay techs have gone in and changed the blog format, thus causing most of our pre September 15th 2007 blog posts to be distorted in viewing.

However this doesn't stop new bloggers from finding and attempting to read our original post at least once a day!

Thus I am re-posting this blog post and will be referencing it for future email communications on this subject. 

The following are my thoughts of the 2004 Catwoman Movie:

The 2004 movie was trashed from when it was first released until it slinked out of the first run theaters... I think the biggest problem was that there wasn't any Batman in the movie... we just had two great looking women, Halle Berry and Sharon Stone, and a lame script that didn't place Catwoman into Batman's Universe.

However I do think the best role in the movie was Halle Berry as the Catwoman.  I have seen her at a feature program at the SDCC where there were a lot of Batman fans and she was able to take them on and answer all questions about her role in the Catwoman movie.

Another Catwoman was Julie Newmar who I blogged about previously here.  I showed a picture of her and Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) from the 1996 San Diego Comic Con (SDCC).  She portrayed a more 'classy' Catwoman, one with more demure assets and attitude.  There has been a BIG difference between the portrayals of the 1960's & 2000's Catwomen.

(continued next column) 

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Click here for DC Superheroes listings

Julie Newmar - 1966's Catwoman On The Batman TV Show

Click here for Batman listings

Halle Berry  - 2004's Catwoman in the Theatrical Movie


(continued from previous column)

I blame that on the 'Grim and Gritty' writing that has crept into comic books since the 1980's.  Comics that you used to be able to have 8 -15 year olds read are no longer suitable for that age group.... and the comics industry wants to know where their younger readers are !!!

 For those interested in Batman comic books, some of which feature Catwoman, we have several for sale in our eBay Featured Store. 

Thanks for reading our blog re-post, hopefully the techs won't make another format change....

Michael (and Tina)


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:34 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:36 PM PST
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