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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
American Idol 04-15-08 Our Take!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows


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American Idol - Fox TV Show
Season 7
The Final 7 Show!
04-15-08 Our Take
Songs Theme For The Night Was:
 "Mariah Carey Songs"!
Last Night it was the 'Final 7' who performed on the New Stage in a 1 Hour show! There will be only 2 Nights of American Idol this week... with Tuesday Night the Performance Night, and then Results Night Show on Wednesday!
Here are our 'scores', (based on 1-10, 10 being highest), on each performance with the 4th column showing the difference between Michael's score and Tina's score. The 'contestants' are listed in order of performance during the night, NOT by numerical score:
The 'Top 7'

(No #)

Name of Contestant / Song PerfomedMichael's TakeScore DifferenceTina's Take

David Archuletta /

   6.5   0.06.5

Carly Smithson / Without You

   7.5   0.58.0

Syesha Mercado / Vanishing

   7.75   0.758.5

Brooke White / Hero

   8.0   0.58.5
5Kristy Lee Cook / Forever   8.25   0.258.0
6David Cook / Always Be My Baby   8.25   0.58.75
7Jason / I Don't Want To Cry    8.0  0.58.5
Now for the comments from Tina and Michael!
Tina had a lot to say last night!
Tina says ' Mariah's is what's wrong with pop music today and American Idol.'  She adds 'She's responsible for the runs the idols do... in fact they are called 'Mariah Careyisms'...
Tina also commented that Brooke actually dressed up for once!
Tina had mentioned this before and I just looked at her, but last night I too noticed that 'Jason looks eerily like John Travolta with dreadlocks'!!
Tina says that Carly is 'in the most danger of going home and should be'...
Michael's comments: Michael didn't have much to say last night, as the performances were none too super... but then again he doesn't listen to Mariah Carey songs, he just knows her from her appearing on Dick Clark's Rockn' New Year's Eve show!  Oh, and that Randy Jackson is always talking about her...
What we normally do this far into the process is to vote for the highest one or two contestants per the score we gave them. 
Michael voted for Kristy Lee Cook (8.25) and David Cook (8.25) who is pictured above, while Tina just voted for David Cook also (8.75), even though she thought he would have done better on that song... 
Due to space limitations on the eBay Blog format that we first post in, we only have so much room to blog here...
For those that missed our previous blog posts on this TV Show.... Please see the following link for our previous blog post. We have been blogging about Season 7 since the first week when the auditions were shown:



04-10-08 CLICK HERE For: American Idol Results Show 04-10-08 Our Take!


For those that are wondering what the 'tie-in' is for us... we have Rock n' Roll Comic Books and Magazines for sale in our eBay Featured Store... just click on the American Idol mike or the contesant's pic to view! 
Michael (and Tina)

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:44 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:25 AM PDT
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