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Monday, September 8, 2008
Knight Rider Premieres September 24th!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows


Knight Rider

Premieres September 24th On The NBC Channel!


We have already blogged about several new TV Shows and Films that are upcoming the rest of this year, that we either saw programs or premieres of at the San Diego Comic Con International in July 2008.

One of these is the upcoming 'Knight Rider' TV Show on NBC.

The reason for this blog post is because I take exception to the number given on the 'Expect-O-Meter Rating'  seen in the USA Today Weekend Edition.

The author of that article ranked this show very low with a '1' out of a possible '10' for expectations because NBC has only shown the earlier TV Movie, and teaser ads during the Olympics.

However, I saw the program and the trailer and the audience's great reaction to it at the Comic Con. The enthusiasm from the cast and from the new producer that was brought in was also very high and 'real'.

Actor Justin Bruening is the new Knight Rider, and his former girlfriend and new love interest is played by Deanna Russo.

What got me excited about the new TV Show is that the trailer that was shown is  much more promising than the origin story of the TV movie. There is a 'team' now backing up Knight Rider and KITT, not just a duo act!

Gary Scott Thompson, one of the new producers, was brought in after the TV Film was made, and I like his new vision for where the series is going.

However, the show is up against another show that we watch, 'Pushing Daisies' Wednesday nights at 8 PM, so one of these two shows will have to be taped to be viewed later!

So, with a new vision for the TV Show versus what was aired in the TV Movie, I am giving it an '7.75' on my expectation meter!

So, time will tell how the show fares... the show is up against 'Pushing Daisies', 'Bones', and 'New Adventures of Old Christine' among others.

BTW, we don't have a TV Station here, but we do have an ongoing Comic Con  and Pop Culture convention here at Make It So Marketing, what with our daily blog posts and listings of items for sale!

Thanks for reading this post today and please join us again!


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Knight Rider TV Show Stars Deanna Russo and Justin Bruening at the 2008 SDCC San Diego Comic Con International.
Click here to see our current Listings! 


Josef Adalian and Gary Scott Thompson were also at the Comic Con panel!
Click here to see our current  Listings! 


Gary Scott Thompson and actress Smith Cho at the Comic Con panel!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:48 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, September 8, 2008 10:14 AM PDT
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