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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Jack Kirby Worked For Joe Ruby and Ken Spears
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows


Jack Kirby Worked For...

Joe Ruby and Ken Spears, Of Ruby-Spears Productions

As Explained  At The 2008 SDCC Comic Con International!

I had the pleasure of seeing Joe Ruby and Ken Spears at the last San Diego Comic Con International
in July 2008.

They were both in two of Mark Evanier's programs that he conducted at the Con.

One program was spotlighting their achievements and history in the animation field.

The other program was their attendance at the Annual Jack Kirby Tribute.

As explained at both programs... During the years of 1978 - 87, Jack Kirby worked for the Ruby-Spears Productions by coming up with concepts. Several of these were shown on TV.

Those included:

Thundarr The Barbarian 1980-82 on ABC

Mr. T (yes, THAT Mr. T!) 1983-86 on ABC

Turbo Teen 1984-85 on ABC

Centurion, syndicated show with 64 episodes

Rambo, syndicated show in 1986

Sectaurs, syndicated show in 1985

Chuck Norris' Karate Kommandos, syndicated show in 1986

Lazer Tag Academy, 1986-87 on NBC

There were others concepts and ideas that did not make it to the small screen.

BTW, Jack also worked on DePatie- Freling's The New Fantastic Four cartoon shown on NBC from 1978-79 with 12 episodes.

He also worked on the All-New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show that ran from 1983-84.

This part of Jack Kirby's life is not well known by many. With Jack's long history in comics, there are many fans of the different periods that he worked in.

I for one am a fan of his MoNSter work at 'Marvel Comics', and of course the Fantastic Four, my favorite of his works.

Others came in the early 1970's when Jack was working for DC Comics and created his Fourth World series of New Gods, Mister Miracle and The Forever People.

Others came in when Jack came back to Marvel in 1975 and worked on the Black Panther series, Captain America, etc.

However a lot of readers are not aware of his work in the animation field in the late 1970's in the mid 1980's.  Funny thing is... Jack started as an 'in-betweener' for the Fleischer Studios that produced the early Popeye Cartoons in the mid 1930's!

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~ Michael



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Thundarr The Barbarian was one of the several projects that Jack Kirby worked on while at Ruby-Spears Productions. this cartoon series ran on ABC from 10/80 - 9/82 with 21 episodes. It is considered a classic today! 
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Mark Evanier, Joe Ruby and Ken Spears as seen at the 2008 SDCC San Diego Comic Con International. This photo was from their spotlight panel moderated by Mark.  


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Of course we can't forget Scooby-Do who came up from the audience to stand next to Joe Ruby and Ken Spears!



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 10:04 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:21 AM PDT
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