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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Continuing For About Twenty Weeks...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Other Non Comics Works



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Continuing For About Twenty Weeks...

A 'Wovel'



By Jemiah Jefferson

I recently became Facebook Friends with Jemiah Jefferson, who informed me a week ago that her newest creative work is being published in a 'wovel' format. 

'Wovel'?  Yes, a 'wovel' !  And she informs me that it will continue online for about twenty weeks in total!

One of the newest publishers, Underland Press, has as an 'extra' on their web site, a "Wovel" (short for "web novel"); which is written in weekly installments, (currently by Jemiah!) and, at the end of each weekly chapter, the readers get to vote on the direction that the story takes!

The url to the wovel is provided here: underlandpress.com/wovel.cfm 

(eBay doesn't allow 'hot links' in the eBay blog posts to non-eBay pages, so if you are reading this on our Blog's eBay format version, just copy and paste the url into your browser.) 

So what happens to the 'wovel'?

Well.... The author first writes it. Then the readers vote on it. Here's how it works online:

"Every week, the author posts an installment. Installment length hits the sweet-spot of online reading—long enough to get interested, short enough to read in the cubicle at work. At the end of every installment, the author writes in a plot branch point. Does the heroine kill her lover? Will the zombies catch the soldier? Is the box empty, or is it filled with bees?"


"On Monday, the post goes up. Voting is open through Thursday. The author writes Thursday and Friday. The editors edit Friday and Saturday. The post goes back up on Monday. Part literature, part exquisite corpse. The pace of print journalism, the imagination of fiction, the spark of reader participation."

Again, to follow along the storyline and vote on where the 'wovel' goes, you have to go to the url listed above, read it, and then vote. Then come back to the url to see where the readers/voters have decided where the author should take the story.... Sounds Cool? Try it !

For those that would like to know more about Jemiah, the following is a brief bio:

"Jemiah Jefferson was born in Denver, Colorado and started writing fiction at the age of twelve. Her publications include the novels Voice of Blood, Wounds, Fiend, and A Drop of Scarlet.... She has also written fiction, essays, and criticism for Willamette Week, Just Out, Plazm, and 2GRLZ Quarterly!"

Just bringing this author and her latest work to the attention of our blog readers, as Jemiah is also an Editor with Dark Horse Comics, as well as an accomplished Author! Jemiah has her own web site where you can keep up with her at jemiah.com !

For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con, Sci-Fi Show, and Pop Culture Convention'  here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store!


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~ Michael
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:17 PM PST
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