
Topic: Comic Book History
Story & Artwork by Vittorio Giardino This graphic novel series is a little old, (1997-1998), but I just came across it when checking out graphic novels I have not yet read. The above photo is of the first volume in the set. It is called 'Loss of Innocence'. The story may sound familar, that of a Jewish family being persecuted, but the storyline and the artwork is complementary to each other, and makes the book worth reading! Vittorio Giardino makes this story so riveting that I had to check out the second volume to continue reading the story of Jonas Finkel, the son of the man that was sentenced to ten years in prison for conspiring against the state, (which he didn't do). The offical reason for the state to come down on Jonas' family is their bourgeois background. Unofficially the real reason is anti-semitic resentment. This was such a good read that I had to find the second of the series, 'Adolesccence'. Both graphic novels moved me so, that I stopped to post a review of them in our 'Reviews' section right away... (Click here for all 444+ reviews.) This is a very good example of what graphic novels can be... good story line, good story text and good artwork! This series should be in every library that carries graphic novels IMHO. For those of you that are new to our blog today, we also have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more!~ Michael