
Topic: eBay Info
Rates Effective January 18th, 2009! Our shipper, the USPS, has changed its' rates for international shipping today, January 18th, 2009... And unfortunately we here at MISM must do the same. Here are the new rates effective immediately: SHIPPING COST TO UNITED KINGDOM & AUSTRALIA: FLAT RATE Priority International Shipping is for NON-CGC graded comic books only! We will ship 1 to 9 non-CGC graded comics, (no magazines) to the UK or AU/NZ for $14.95 USD as that is what the Priority International Envelope will hold with cardboard insert for protection. Magazines are not normally listed for shipping to the UK & Australia. However, we can ship them, but as explained in the section above for Canadian buyers, the sizes and page counts make those purchases more difficult to figure out shipping costs. Please email us so we can figure out what can be shipped to you and for what cost. NOTE: We will ship up to 25 single standard sized raw (non encapsulated CGC comics) in a flat rate priority mail box to the UK and Australia. Our charge for this would be $45.95 USD at this time for the shipping. For CGC Graded Comics - We have been hesitant to ship these internationally, but are now considering shipping them to UK and Australian addresses. On an individual buyer basis only. Please email us if you have interest in our CGC listings. The CGC encapsulated comics would have to be shipped via Priority International Flat Rate Box for the $45.95 USD Shipping Charge PLUS Insurance if over $25.00 value of the item. We can place from one to two CGC encapsulated comic(s) in each Flat Rate Box. E-mail us via eBay's email program to discuss further.... SHIPPING COST TO OTHER COUNTRIES: For other countries that are NOT listed above, we still may be able to ship to YOUR country! There are multiple reasons why we don't universally show that we ship to your country, but we encourage you to e-mail us with your question as to shipping charges for YOUR country! Items like comic books are relatively easy to ship via USPS Priority International Flat Rate Envelopes, but unfortunately they don't ship everywhere in the World via that rate yet! And eBay doesn't separate out several countries in 'Europe', only United Kingdom and Germany from the other countries. (i.e We will ship to France, Spain, Sweden, Finland, etc...) However, there are some countries that we just can't ship to because of their postal systems mishandling our packages in the past... Please e-mail us with your question as to if we can ship and what the charge would be to your country! ------------------------------- SHIPPING COST TO USA Addresses: There is NO CHANGE to our USA Shipping Rates at this time, as the USPS is raising ONLY International Rates this weekend. To restate our shipping rates to USA addresses: SHIPPING COST FOR NON-CGC COMIC BOOKS: This FLAT RATE Shipping is for NON-CGC graded comic books only! (NO magazines, NO CGC encapsulated graded comics, and NO other non-comic items are included in this shipping special!) We will continue to ship unlimited non-CGC graded comics to USA addresses only at the special $4.99 shipping cost for a while longer! The USPS will be raising domestic shipping costs in May 2009... So take advantage of this shipping rate now if you see that we have what you want! Whether you buy one or three or ten or even more comics, the shipping rate for comic books is still $4.99 until then! PLUS for the $4.99 you get FREE Delivery Receipt Confirmation for tracking your purchase(s)! SHIPPING COST FOR MAGAZINES: We also sell Magazines, but they are odd-sized and varied in number of pages so they cannot be sent via the 'unlimited shipping' rate, sorry! However we will combine shipping where we can, but please email us FIRST for combined shipping cost BEFORE you click to buy multiple magazines! I cannot emphasize this more... e-mail us FIRST! SHIPPING COST FOR CGC GRADED COMICS: CGC graded comics come in plastic holders and are shipped only via a Priority BOX so as to protect the holders. We can place 1 to 2 CGC graded comics in the Flat Rate Priority Box for $9.99 to USA addresses only for a while longer, as the rates will change in May 2009! For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks for reading this blog post today, and please join us again for more! BTW, besides blogging, we have over 475 Reviews that Tina and I have placed in our eBay Reviews Section. Just click here to see our latest reviews! We are VERY pleased that our blog will have its' 316,000th visitor stop in today... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! Personal Note from Tina and Michael to our International Buyrs: It is unfortunate that we have to raise our shipping rates to you during these economically challenging times. However with USPS fees and PayPal fees, we just couldn't absorb the additional costs in shipping to you. We will continue to strive to make our shipping to you a rewarding experience and Thank You for your new or continued buying from us!~ Michael and Tina