
Topic: Comic Books - New
By Steve Tanner & Dan Barritt ! Steve is from the UK, which reminds me that I should mention the following: Our blog has been reaching a more global readership, and I find that several creators / agents are either adding us to their press releases; or inviting us to join their Facebook Group. It is of course easier for me to read the graphic novels, comics, illustrated stories, press releases, etc., that are published in the English language, but I do use online translation software to read non-English online works. It just takes me longer to do so! So, back to the topic now... Steve Tanner of Time Bomb Comics, which is based in the United Kingdom, has a one-shot publication that is launching at the Bristol SPExpo in May 2009. He invites our blog readers to "Join the Venerated Sisters of the Seventy-Seventh Cloister in their never-ending battle aginst the sinners of the galaxy!" Steve also says that "This is our first full-colour book and (it) will be launching at the Bristol SPExpo in May. In the meantime please check out the preview and let us know what you think." For those that don't know... Time Bomb Comics is a British comics company based in Leicester, England, UK. It was formed in September 2007 to showcase the work of talented writers and artists that are currently working outside the mainstream comics industry. "Time Bomb Comics is about one simple thing - Telling Great Stories." The preview that you can view online is a ten page preview only. But enough of the storyline and art is there that I could see that it had good potential to entice me to come back for the rest when it is published... The preview itself can be viewed at: After viewing the preview, and you find yourself interested in knowing more about this work and other works from Time Bomb Comics, you are welcome to join their Facebook group if you are a Facebook member at: For myself, I know that I will make the attempt to continue reading this story, although it is a UK comic book, which might make a little harder to obtain in the States... I have joined the Time Bomb Comics FaceBook Group to be reminded about the status of the comic, and the company's other comics that are in process. Should you enjoy the comic book preview online, I would suggest doing the same! (Please Note: A complimentary hard copy for this mention / review was not provided by the creator as it is in online format only at this time.)
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