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Friday, April 10, 2009
Steel Rising Advances to Small Press Idol Round 2!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New



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"Steel Rising"

Has Advanced To Round 2 In The Small Press Idol Contest! 

Brad Huffman-Parent...  Has notified me that 'Steel Rising' has advanced to Round 2 of the Small Press Idol for 2009!

Click Here to see our Newly Listed listed Comics, Magazines, Games and more!  Brad sent me the following when I asked what his project for the SPI was all about:  "What if every fantasy novel you ever read…was true? Elves and dwarves, orcs and dragons, and many others all existed side-by-side with man and many a great adventure was had. 

“Steel Rising”, a comic book written and created by Brad Huffman-Parent with art by Brad Thingvold, Joe Armour, and Michael Summers, has advanced to Round 2 of the 2009 Small Press Idol Competition. This year, all records have been broken.  With over 40 entries and a prize of $700, this is the largest competition Small Press Idol has ever seen. 

In “Steel Rising”, the forests and villages have faded, replaced by cities and highways. The world has moved on and The Races moved with it. Dwarves are successful businessmen, Orcs and Trolls fill the ranks of the military and police, and dragons sleep under the Golden Gate Bridge.  Tolkien is more history than fiction.  But the transition was not so easy for some.  After the Second World War, Mages were declared a danger to all normal beings. Since then Mages have been hunted, imprisoned, and killed. The few remaining are deep in hiding, afraid to reveal their power to the world.  Then the mysterious and powerful Black Ruby is unearthed.  Only a Mage can unleash its power and only a Mage can stop it. Now the race is on to find one of the last remaining Mages. Will her power be used to save the world or to destroy it?

For those that have read the above and would like to know more, then check out these web sites:

The official Steel Rising Blog is http://www.steelrising.blogspot.com/ 

The Small Press Idol home page to caste your vote is at http://www.dimestoreproductions.com/content287.html

The Facebook Steel Rising Fan page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/pages/Steel-Rising/53524008534

My thanks to Brad for sending this project synopsis to me!   I'm sure he would appreciate your vote on his 'Steel Rising' comic in Small Press Idol Round 2 !

Click Here to see our current listed Comics, Magazines, Games and more! Ian Shires , (pictured to the left), has listed on the main web site all 27 of the projects that made it into Round 2.   By making it that far, all 27 are set to have their projects printed in 'Mysterious Visions' at the very least. 

Ian also says "But more over, they are still in contention for the $700 cash prize, 4-issue publishing commitment grand prize. So take a moment this week to check them all out, make your own notes about them, and get ready for Round 2 where we turn up the heat big time, and YOUR VOTES COUNT!"

For those of you that have missed my previous blog posts on SPI, you may be thinking "So what exactly is Small Press Idol?".  I'll let their web site promo say it for them:

"Small Press Idol is the greatest amateur's contest in comics, mixing a bit of American Idol with a bit of The Apprentice, and a bunch of our own special social experiment elements. This contest is not for everyone...but it will be fun, and, for those that participate, it will challenge you to be the best you can be. If you survive round 1, your work WILL BE PUBLISHED! This year: We have national store distribution! It's our biggest year ever!"

So starting April 1st, 2009, YOU can start voting for your faves on Small Press Idol... so take the time now to register and take part!  I personally vote for at least one project every day!  

(Please Note: Michael / Tina / Make It So Marketing Inc are not affialiated with, nor compensated by the publisher, the SPA, or the SPI. This blog post is for mention of the SPI only. No 'favorites' are to be implied in this blog post. It is for informational purposes only!)

For those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention'  here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts,  and new listings of items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store

Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!

~ Michael (and Tina)


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PO Box 130653
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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:14 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, April 10, 2009 6:20 AM PDT
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