
Topic: Comic Books - New
*FCBD is being held In several locales, but not all... I have been posting here in my Blog that there are several Local Comic Book Stores (LCBS) in parts of the nation that will be having comic book creator signings in conjunction with distribution special printed FCBD Comics! Those are LCBS that have elected to participate in the Eighth Annual Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), PLUS have comic book creators at their location for signings. In addition some LCBS are having food, bands, and even parties! Well, I've been so busy with a couple of projects the past two weeks that I hadn't stopped to check out who was signing in our own San Diego Metro area tomorrow... Imagine my surprise when I found only ONE creator signing listed in this sprawling metropolis and county of 3,000,000+ persons. And when I called to find out what hours the signing was... I found that the signing was cancelled even though the FCBD comics would be distributed! Sheesh! I immediately started calling all the known stores in the area to find out if they had any signing I had missed... no.. nada... none! And HoRRoRs of it all... several were not even participating in the FCBD event! And this is the day after the new comic book genre film 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' film is opening that brings awareness to mainstream folks that comics actually still do exist! I find this fascinating folks! San Diego (currently) hosts the largest Comic Con in North America, and this is the local response to the 2009 FCBD event?! For Tina and I to even attend a true 'signing', we would have to drive to Orange County, which is about an hour or more away. To attend a 'signing' and a true 'event' with a party and food, we would have to drive to San Bernardino County or Los Angeles County, both at least an hour and half to two hours away depending upon traffic. I know that San Diego is still considered a 'suburb' of Los Angeles, but this is ridiculous! Well, Tina and I have decided that we will be driving to several of the LCBS in our area tomorrow and 'report' back here what we find. So 'toon' back in for that blog post either on Sunday or Monday... Please Note: I do realize that each LCBS has the option to participate or not in such an event. And maybe they have in previous years and it didn't work out for them. Also there may not be any comic book creators living near their store to put on a 'signing' to go along with distributing 'free' FCBD comic book editions... And of course each privately owned LCBS has the right to put its' own limit(s) on how many free comics that it will distribute. (Because it does cost each store owner money to purchase the FCBD comics to distribute for free.) S ome stores will only have some, but not all of the many FCBD comics that have printed for this special day because of that cost to them. Yes, I know I'm only an 'online dealer', and not a LCBS retailer. I have looked at getting into the field a few times... and still stop in at the special program held each year at the San Diego Comic Con International (SDCC) titled 'So You Want to Be A Comic Book Store Owner?'. But still... the FCBD event would seem to be a good way of promoting your own LCBS as a tie-in to this Wolverine movie... And this is San Diego County with 3,000,000+ persons here. With a World Famous Comic Con that trust me... that is widely known here in the area. So What Am I Missing Here? Why isn't there more promotion of this event in what you would think is a 'prime' comic book area??By the way, speaking of Wolverine... In the video above at the top right of this blog post, it is Hugh Jackman, star of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" who talks about Free Comic Book Day, and the importance of comics in fighting illiteracy at the beginning of the video. Of course since this is a tie-in weekend, the FCBD plug is followed by a theatrical trailer for the "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" film. But what the heck, both of those clips are good viewing! Just ask my wife who is a big Hugh Jackman fan, LOL! (Video used by permission. Copyright 2009, 20th Century Fox, All Rights Reserved.) I was going to re-post where several of my Facebook Friends are signing at tomorrow and add more... but this post is getting a little lengthy. For those signings you could check out our archived blog posts for the month of April if you would. In addition there are several signings listed at the FCBD web site itself that I have not mentioned. Maybe you'll be luckier than Tina and me and have one closer to you! Here is the link to the many signings that are going on: Click here for FCBD Signings link!And for those of you that are new to our blog today, we have an ongoing online 'Comic Con and Pop Culture Convention' ourselves here at "Make It So Marketing Inc.", what with our daily blog posts, and new listings of items for sale in our online Store! However due to the fact that we are online only, and not a brick & mortar store, we won't be participating in this FCBD event this year other than blogging where you can pick these FCBD comics at, and possibly see a comics creator. And of course we will be checking out the LCBS in our area on FCBD itself! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! If you are a Facebook member, You are invited to 'add' our Blog to your network by checking out this link, (Click here to see Blog Network). Also we have set up a new Facebook Comic Con Dealers Table, which you can check out by clicking here!