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Thursday, June 18, 2009
Channel Evil... The Comic Book Series!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


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Channel Evil

The Limited Comic Book Series

From Renegade Arts Entertainment and Berserker Comics!

This limited series comic book title...  comes from Renegade Arts Entertainment and Berserker Comics.  It is a bi-monthly comic book with four issues planned for this limited series.

Before I get into my review of the first issue, I'll post what the publishers have laid out in their promotional release:

"Renegade is pleased to announce Channel Evil, a four part comic that we are co-publishing with Berserker Comics in Belfast.  Written by Alan Grant with Shane Oakley on art duties, Channel Evil is a full on horror story that will delight and terrify all who have the courage to read it. The first issue will be released in March 2009."

"The quick pitch:
A slick and sleazy chat show host gets more than he bargained for when he channels an ancient source of evil, unleashing terror and carnage upon the world."

Okay, their 'quick pitch' was exactly what the first issue is all about!  The interior pages are black/gray/white, which helps set the mood for this HoRRoR comic book!

The artwork is by Shane Oakley, with an ink assist by Suzanne O'Brien.  The artwork fits this genre very well, and the art is Not 'over the top' as seen in some HoRRoR comics. I rather liked this 'looser' style because of the black/gray/white pages it was printed in.

The letterer, Jamie Grant, did a fine job placing the word balloons and text in the panels.  Writer Alan Grant kept my interest while setting up the characters and the beginning of the storyline.

There also is a striking variant cover to this first issue!  The cover artist is Wayne Nichols, with inks by Andy Brown, and colours by Kieran Oats.

The Editor, Alexander Finbow, with production assist from Jamie Grant, has an introductory issue to be proud of!  I would look forward to seeing the next issue in this limited series...

Channel Evil #1 of 4   22pgs of art & story plus 2 ad pages
Writer: Alan Grant  Art: Shane Oakley 

Genre: HoRRor Comic 
Format: Black/Gray/White interior pages

Cover Price: $3.99 USD  Ages: Suggested For Mature Readers

For more info on the series and other comics for 2009, please see their web site at:  http://www.renegadeartsentertainment.com/

(Please Note: A complimentary item for this mention / review  was provided by the publisher.)  

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~ Michael 


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:58 PM PDT
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