
Topic: Comic Cons
RECAPPING My Series On Creators And Exhibitors that will be at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con International, AND whom I think You should make a point to stop and see... Are the following persons enumerated in a summary list with 'hot' links to the actual blog posts about what they are displaying / signing / selling at their table or booth: NAME: Alan J Porter I want to thank each of those that participated in this series of blog posts this month... it was fun for me to do! Looking forward to seeing All of You at the Con, as well as many others that are exhibiting or signing there also! There are of course others that are deserving to be mentioned, but time and space limitations are keeping me from including everyone that is deserving of a mention at this time! I do blog about other cons so keep me in mind if You are a creator and attending a different con later for possible mention in my Blog! BTW, The Comic-Con is celebrating its' 40th Anniversary! As I have mentioned in previous blog posts, I attended the first con, missed the second, but started selling at the third con while going to college. The 3rd San Diego's West Coast Comic-Con, (renamed), was held August 18-20th, 1972 at the El Cortez Hotel, (it was a Hotel in those days, not the Condos it is today). It was on the last day of the Con that I bought out a dealer's complete stock as he wanted to leave early, and sold comics from the table he had been selling from! It was a little impromptu, but I had the cash, and was a business major student in college; so this is how I entered into my first commercial enterprise! And I made a lot of money that day, plus had plenty of comics left over! I set up my own table at the SDCC the following year in 1973, see picture above. Yes, that's me, 36 years ago, a young kid at having turned just 2l years of age the month before. The photo at the top right is one of the photos of me at the 1973 SDCC, which you can click on the photo to view full sized to see in detail the comics I was selling. Notice how there weren't comic book boxes back then! Great memories of the San Diego Comic Con; My personal favorite of all the Cons I've been to! And I Love the idea of celebrating my own personal Birthday this year during this week at the 40th Anniversary of Comic Con! Matter of fact, to remember this occasion, I've already pre-ordered the special 40th Year commemorative book that the Con has ready for pick up at the Con this week! BTW, if you are not one of the 125,000+ persons that are attending this great comic book and pop culture convention this month, then you could take a look at the Con's web site to see what else there is for this year: However, if you are attending the San Diego Comic Con International THIS WEEK, then please find and then hi-lite on your program map all of the above mentioned creators that I have blogged about that interest You. You'll be glad You did, so that you don't miss them while you are there! Please Note: Days and Times of signings /programs / panels / doors opening etc., are subject to change at any convention, so double check that when you get there! There is a daily updated printed schedule that is available onsite! For those that don't know... the 2009 SDCC / CCI-SD is being held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. The address is: 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA. Dates of the Con are from July 23rd through July 26th, with a Preview Night July 22nd for 4 day Badge Members Only! However as this blog post 'goes to press' ALL memberships have been SOLD OUT already! BTW, unless we are onsite all day & night during a comic con... we do blog daily on comics and pop culture news and events! Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!
~ Michael (and Tina)