
Topic: Comic Cons
It wasn't ALL work at this year's San Diego Comic Con International! There were also opportunities to get my photo taken with several persons I have missed having a photo taken with during the years! After the 2008 SDCCI I blogged about seeing the Greatest American Hero Panel. I was fortunate enough to see William Katt, Connie Selleca, and Robert Culp at that special program. However, with the crunch of persons wanting to talk with those three stars after the panel was over, there was no way to get a photo! Plus you should see the lines for autographs for stars at the autograph tables at this Comic Con! Thus when I saw that William was going to be at his own Catastrophic Comics Booth at the 2009 SDCC this year, I circled the day and time that he would be there. Yes, One Day only, and just a Few Hours at that! BTW, for those of you that are not aware of how hard it is to meet someone who is on a limited appearance basis at the SDCC, it is doubly tough when you have to leave a full to capacity program Hall H or Ballroom 20 to do so. Trust me folks, You aren't getting back in easily into those rooms to see the next programs! So if you have a 'must see', like I did with William, you must realize that something else has to give for you to be able to make it. Too many newbies to this SDCCI don't realize how overcrowded and expansive this Con is! Well, it appeared that I wasn't the first one there in line to meet William. So while I was waiting I talked with Chris Folino who was managing the booth, and who turned me on to Catastrophic Comics' other main title, 'Sparks'. So I'll be sharing my thoughts after reading that series and blogging my review here. Just before my turn came to meet William, up comes a second Greatest American Hero (GAH), this one in costume! My thanks to new Facebook Friend, Alan Pedini, for standing long enough to pose for a couple of pics before moving on to where he was needed next! Talking about next... well my turn was finally next to get my photo taken with William! Thanks Tina for taking two great pics of me and William! I've already blogged about a couple of the GAH comic book issues here in my Blog, but also picked up another one while I was there. So I'm looking forward to reading that issue also! The only disappointment while I was there at the booth was not seeing Marci Beaucoux, blogger for the GAH! She recently was hurt in a car accident and is recovering nicely, but not up for the long trip and 5 days at Comic Con. Maybe next time Marci?! If you are interested in what William Katt and Catastrophic Comics are doing next and what other comic conventions they may be attending, check them out at: BTW, unless we are on site all day and night during a three day or longer comic con... we do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, and pop culture news and events! Check out our daily blog posts, new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts!! ~ Michael (and Tina)