
Topic: Other Cons
I first came aware of Amber Love when she became a contestant for the 1st Facebook Comic Con Costume Contest that I was a judge in back in March of this year... Amber wore a 'Firestar' costume and won 1st Place in that competition! (For full details on that just click here.) I just became Facebook Friends with her this week, and found out that she will be at the East Coast site of the 4th Wonder Woman Day being held this very weekend! Above at the top left of this post is a photo of taken at the same site last year, when Amber had a photo taken with Pete Marston, who is the son of the creator of Wonder Woman, William Marston! There is not enough time or space to tell you about everything about this special Wonder Woman Day IV, (actually some events are both days in NJ location), so I'll post the links to the West Coast web site and the East Coast web site. For info on both the Oregon location and the New Jersey location: and for just the New Jersey location: Besides the fun at both locations, there are also auctions on Wonder Woman sketches plus other items, so be sure to check out those sites for the individual listings! How big is this event, now in its' 4th Year? Mayor Sam Adams of Portland has also officially declared this upcoming Sunday as 'Wonder Woman Day' in Portland, Oregon for this event! Also there are signings on Sunday the 25th! PORTLAND SPECIAL GUESTS SIGNING Paul Gulacy from noon-3pm (Batman, Catwoman, Star Wars, 007, Master of Kung Fu) Gail Simone from 3-6pm (Wonder Woman, Birds of Prey, Welcome To Tranquility)! FOR: NEW JERSEY SPECIAL GUESTS SIGNING (Sat & Sun various times): So if YOU are either in the Portland, Oregon OR the Flemington, New Jersey area this weekend, you should stop in and see the activities and help benefit a good cause! PLEASE NOTE: As with all events, activities and guests are subject to change. It would be best for you to call for updates before heading for those locations. Those details are on the websites listed above! My thanks to Amber Love for posting this on her Facebook Wall about her attending the event in New Jersey, and for permission to publish the photos here! BTW.... Whereas Tina and I don't publish comics or books (yet?) or set up at comic cons anymore, (except at our own Facebook Virtual Comic Con Dealer Table), we do have thousands of indies and mainstream comics in our own online store. Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films! ~ Michael @