
Topic: Comic Books - New
I met Richard A Hamilton at the recent Long Beach Comic Con while he was at 'The Antidote Trust' booth. Back on August 22nd I had blogged about the first issue of this 3 part comic book series, (click here for that post). He remembered the blog post and asked me if I had seen the next two issues of that series. I hadn't, but told him that with the first issue being so good, that it had a good start and would remember to look for the final two issues. That's when he told me that the three issue mini-series was being 'collected' into a Trade Paper Back (TPB). Now the mini-series is available as a TPB for those of you that didn't get all three issues of the 'floppies' (single issues) either! Here are the details for this collected mini-series: (Writer) Richard A. Hamilton (Art) Jeremy Dale, Rob Jones Format: GRAPHIC NOVEL (TPB) Okay, if You have already clicked on the link above that would have taken you to my earlier blog post on the first issue of this series... You would know that I loved the premise, the writing, the artwork... everything actually about the first issue. So, having now read the TPB, I was able to finish the story arc that was presented in the first issue. You know... it didn't disappoint me! The story was funny AND entertaining, the pencils by Jeremy Dale were just right for this series, and Rob Jones complemented the artwork by inking it. Colors by Jelle Van Den Brink added to the whole presentation. I for one enjoyed seeing this in a TPB (graphic novel style) format! This was a fun read... and I would say it would be for those that don't always want their comics in a 'grim and gritty' style. I also appreciated the 'winks' to the well known Dynamic Duo, who in this story are portrayed as 'The Cowl' and 'Kid Cowl'. To order your copy direct from the Dial 'C' For Comics people, check this page: look for it at Your LCBS, as this just hit the stands last week! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today!~ Michael @