
Topic: Other Cons
Erik W Hendrix sent out 'Event Invites' to those fans of his FACTION Facebook Fan Page this past Friday.... I realize this is a little late for those out of the immediate local area to attend this event, especially since it is on a weekday, but I wanted to give notice of this event in my Blog today. That's because Tina and I first met Erik W and Amanda Hendrix back on the night of May 30th at Sky High Comic's "A Night Of Art - Music - Comics In San Marcos California!" (click here for that post). Erik showed us several pages of his entry into the 2009 Small Press Idol Contest, (SPI). Tina and I were impressed with his enthusiasm, and after that I blogged a few more times about his entry, which kept going further into each round of the SPI. Finally it was at the end of the rounds, (Round 4), and then came the crucial point in the contest. Would any of the final entries 'sell' as a pre-order comic? Well, FACTION and the other remaining entries did sell... with FACTION coming out on top as the #1 entry! So, I'm pleased to blog about the Event that is coming up this Wednesday in San Diego that has two of the FACTION creators signing copies of Issue #0! Here's the details for this event: Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Here's the message from Erik to FACTION fans: "Come and meet the creators of Faction in San Diego. Erik Hendrix, creator and writer of Faction, and Arnie Gordon, artist of Faction, will be appearing at Southern California Comics in San Diego on November 11th. Tell your friends! Come get a signed copy of Faction issue 0, meet us, chat with us, and by all means see how awesome So Cal Comics is in San Diego... easily the best shop in the city." The above are Erik's words, but I would have to agree that SoCal Comics is at least in the 'Top Three' of all comic book shops in the San Diego County area for sure! That's where we get the majority of our comics supplies, even though they are approximately 30 miles away from us here in Carlsbad. Please Note: SoCal Comics is very hard to find if You have never been there! Seriously folks! If you are thinking of going there for the first time, please see the following map for directions. This comic book shop is in an industrial warehouse / office buildings district, off of the main road, and even with a little bit of signage inside the commercial area, it is very hard to find the first time. Especially since this event will be on a weekday and the area will be full of cars, making it harder to spot where all the comics action is! Here's that link: (click here). If you are able to attend, and want to signify that, then please the following link and click the 'Attending' button. Or if you are a fan of FACTION, and maybe can attend, or even can't be there, feel free to click those additional 'maybe' or 'won't' be there buttons also. Here's the link: Thanks again to Erik for sending me an invite to this event! I am looking forward to attending this event, as I have not yet met Arnie Gordon, who is the artist of this issue! AND... Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog daily on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events including some TV shows and theatrical films as they are shown! PLUS... Welcome to ALL of You that were reading the eBay Version of our Blog prior to eBay closing 'their eBay blogs platform'. That version of our Blog had 1.37 MILLION page views before the closure... However, This Blog version is the same Blog that has been published at the same time the eBay version was being published. I've been publishing this version since September 2007, so it has the same Fun Stuff You are used to on the eBay version you were reading! Speaking of eBay... Be sure to check out our new listings of comics, graphic novels, Comic Con exclusives and more pop culture items for sale in our online eBay Featured Store that our blogs are based on! It's due to sales at this online store that keep us going with the ability to post blogs like the one you have read here today! ~ Michael @