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COMIC CON FEATURETTE:   This Blog's  'Main Feature' today was about Melody Mooney, who is an actress as well as a pop culture personality.

So it is only fitting to feature another actress who is both known for mainstream TV shows as well as those that are more 'pop culture' shows, like Lois And Clark, and Babylon 5!

That would be Tracy Scoggins, who is pictured below at the recent 2007 Comic Con International: San Diego, (a.k.a. SDCC).

The reason I am mentioning Tracy here today is that she has just been announced to be attending the upcoming Anaheim Comic Con in April 2010!  Those dates are April 16 - 17 -18, which after the upcoming Holiday Season will be here before you know it!

So, I for one am adding this Comic Con / Pop Culture Con to my list to probably attend next year.  That's because there's also a few other personalities I want to see that are attending.  But more on them later!

For Tracy Scoggins fans, here's the link to see more about her attending the Anaheim Comic Con:  (click here).

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