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COMICCONS FEATURETTE:   This blog's  'Main Feature' today was on a creator who is both writing and illustrating their creations.

Well, what if you are a writer or an aspiring writer?  We already know that writer/illustrators have tools in their 'trade' to sketch out what the creations should look like.  But what about the persons who are writers alone... what do they have? the recent 2009 Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC), I ran into Chris Huntley at the 'Write Brothers' booth, as seen below.

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I explained to Chris what I was doing at the LBCC, and asked him to explain why his booth was there, because I first I didn't see the total connection.

He was kind enough to show me the intro to his software, and give me some promotional literature that told me about what 'Write Brothers' software could do for the aspiring as well as accomplished writer.

With this being the upcoming gift giving season, I thought I would mention their software programs here in my 'Featurette' section.  I have not personally used their software, but wanted to bring this company's works to the attention of my blog readers today.

You can find out more at their web site at:   and  if You are on Facebook, they do have a FB Member Page, (Not a Fan or Group Page), at the following:

Again, I've not yet used this software, but I have also seen that they are a sponsor of the The 2010 Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival (CCI-IFF) which is now open to submissions. The deadline for submitting films is March 15, 2010. All film submissions must be be accompanied by the official entry form and postmarked between Dec. 1, 2009 and March 15, 2010.  So just be a 'sponsor' to the CCI speaks loads to me being a long time San Diego Comic Con attendee!

So if you are a writer, check 'em out before the holiday season is upon us and over.  You might want to buy yourself the holiday gift that You really want!   




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