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450th Episode of the Simpsons Screened Last Night! Plus The Celebrating the 20th Year Of the Simpsons on TV Special:   

This 'Featurette' was going to be a 'Main Feature' in my Blog, but it was up against blogging about the CHUCK Season 3 Premiere. I wanted this Simpsons topic to be a timely post.  So because CHUCK is a show that we always watch, I opted to make that the 'Main Feature' today.

That doesn't mean that the Simpsons Special last night wasn't "special".  It's just that I have only so much time to devote to a blog post each 'work day', so there is only one blog post a day now.

So yeah, Tina and I watched the 450th Episode last night, and half of the Special.  There was too much on last night in conflict with programs we like.  Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, CHUCK, Simpsons, and Simpsons Special.  So we taped a couple, and will have to watch the other(s) on Hulu or something.

Years ago I met Matt Groening at the San Diego Comic Con International.  I watched the TV show off and on since then.  I have enjoyed reading 'The Simpsons Comics' comic books, 'Bartman', 'Radioactive Man', and other comics from Bongo Comics of course!

I definitely am not the fanatic fan that was portrayed by several persons on the Special that was hosted by Morgan Spurlock.  Amazing collections those folks had, but a person has to be able to sleep in their bedroom and cook in their kitchen, LOL!

Yeah, I still stop to take photos at conventions of Simpsons memorabilia, like the Bartman statue shown below at the 2009 Comic Con International: San Diego.

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But I just can't attend every program / panel there is on TV Shows or Films that I like.  There are too many of them now, and it's like a smorgasbord out there at some comics cons like the San Diego Comic Con International!

So I just want to stop today and say: 

Thank you to Matt Groening and all the others who have provided hours of entertainment both on TV, Film at the theater, and in comic books.

It's been a great ride this past 20 years, and yeah, I'm looking forward to more!

Like Bart wrote on the school chalkboard last nite. A lot of things may be ending in 2012, but NOT the Simpsons!

Great attitude Bart!



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