
Topic: TV Shows
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Tina and I had several shows last night that we wanted to watch; this after watching almost all each of the four NFL Wildcard Playoff Games this weekend. Talk about a 'couch potato weekend'! But no show was more hyped than the Season 3 Premiere Show for the TV Show CHUCK! Almost every other commercial on NBC during the Playoffs was a CHUCK commercial, or so it seemed! That really didn't bother me, because as you can see from the photos above, Tina and I are CHUCK fans! We caught this show from the Season 1 Premiere, and have been steady fans since. Plus when possible, either Tina or I, or both of us would attend programs / Panels at comic cons that had either the full cast or individual cast members attending. And before the WGA Strike affected our viewing AND blogging habits, I used to post blogs on this CHUCK TV show here, when the blog was more pop culture oriented...
So, besides being well written, and published as a comic book, what else does this show have going for it? Well, it's got to be the cast of characters / actors in this show! Each of the main characters has been developed during the past two seasons, and the actors chosen to portray them have been spot on. Plus the additional characters / actors have also seen their backgrounds added to, which makes for a darn good mix!
Plus when you see Chuck's bedroom, he has a Comic Con poster, and had a 'Tron' poster. Now that definitely adds to his 'coolness'! So what happened last night? Well... I would like to say that the Season 3 Two Hour Premiere Show was 'Fantastic', but I.... Can't! :( Why? Well after the BIG Buildup about 'No More Mr. Nice Spy', the two hour premiere show turned out to be two episodes run back to back! And unfortunately, in both my opinion and Tina's opinon... there was something lacking in the first one! We both were expecting a two hour premiere show, so when the first hour took forever in bringing the viewers up to date... well we could forgive that. But when we realized that the first hour was a first 'episode', it just didn't flow smoothly in its' presentation. Not a good start CHUCK people! The 'episode' didn't 'jell' and it looked like the first hour of a made for TV movie, where the action is spread out over two hours... Not a good start... However, the second hour, which turned out to be the second 'episode', was back on track! This is the CHUCK show that we both enjoy watching! AND will continue to watch this season! I don't want to go into the two episodes in detail, as I don't want to have to post a 'Spoiler Warning' here. Just suffice to say that after the false start on the first hour, the second hour was worth staying up for! Yeah, there will have to be some taping going on, as FoX is having House and Fringe on, and '24' will be coming back. We DON'T tape that show... gotta watch that 'live', but CHUCK is definitely a show that we are glad is back, AND will be watching this Season! For those of you that missed it last night, you can view it at: which you should right away, because tonight, January 11th, is the 3rd 'episode' of the New Season 3!
I mentioned that we have an online store where we sell comics, at ;) but unfortunately we have just sold our last issue of CHUCK just before the show aired. Including the Special San Diego Comic Con Edition of the comic book! However, we pick up collections quite often, so check back when you can! Thanks again to all of YOU reading our current and archived blog posts! We do blog usually on a daily basis during the 'work week' on comic book creators, comic book reviews, comic cons, and other pop culture news and events or places such as the one blogged about here today. We hope YOUR New Year is starting off grand. Join us again as we tackle another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' below! ~ Michael D Hamersky @