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Which I found out about late last night, by reading the Blog of a brand new Facebook Friend, Blaine Tufts.

Blaine, (pictured to the left), writes the 'Temporal Geek' Blog.

The 'tag line' for this blog is:

"Daily Birthdays and Events in Sci-Fi, Comics and related areas!"

What caught my eyes when reading the first of Blaine's blogs was the entry for the fact that it was  the Birthday date for a comics creator whose work I appreciated when I was younger.

That would be Vincent Alascia (January 14, 1914 – September 3, 1998), also known as Nicholas Alascia.

Vincent, (pictured to the left), was an American comic book artist first known for his work on  the Captain America strip during the Golden Age of comics.

Later, (which is where I knew him best from), was his 23-year run as inker on a creative team with penciler Charles Nicholas Wojtkowski (known in comics as "Charles Nicholas") and writer Joe Gill at Charlton Comics from 1953 to 1976.

What I don't really remember Vin for was his work for other companies inbetween Timely and Charlton Comics. 

You see, it was after Timely's downsizing in 1948, that he freelanced for other comics companies such as Avon,  where he inked Martin Nodell, (yes, Jacque Nodell's grandfather), on anthological horror stories in that publisher's 1950s comics 'City of the Living Dead' and 'Eerie' comic books.  

Getting back to where I appreicated Alascia's works, was at Charlton Comics based in Derby, Connecticut. There with Charles Nicholas (the 1921-1985 comics penciler), Vin worked on multiple genres including crime, suspense, mystery, science fiction, war, Western, romance, and hot-rod titles.  The first was 'Crime and Justice' #16 from January of 1953.

(I still have some of those issues, and after re-reading them again will be placing them in our store to sell.)

The below front cover to Billy the Kid #40 from June of 1963 is just one of many covers that the Nicholas - Alascia team produced over the many years at Charlton Comics.

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I want to thank Blaine Tufts for adding me as a Facebook Friend yesterday, and pointing out his Blog to me.  I believe that many of my Blog's readers would appreciate seeing these important date as well.

And thanks to the Nicholas / Alascia team for all the artwork they provided in the years I was reading Charlton Comics.  Their work will be long remembered...


BTW, speaking of comics creators, if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.
