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Hey Guys!  You've got less than a month to be ready for the 2010 Valentine's Day!

Yeah, I know... guys usually wait till the last minute, but I wanted to give you a heads up for this year!

Below is the mini-comic from Main Enterprises that was published February of 2009. 

I received it too late to blog about it back then, but wanted to blog about this special issue in the 'Featurette' section of this blog this morning. 

Jim Main of Main Enterprises sent me a few of his 'mini-comics' for possible mention / review. This one is approx 4" x 5 1/2" with 24 pages.

Here's the PR for this February 2009 issue:

"Joining the ranks of our minicomic sized annual publications (like the one we did for HALLOWEEN) is this 24 page extravaganza for you romantic types out there. Ha...guess again...while some of the contributors did go the sincere route, the bulk of this title is made up more along the style of the classic gruesome greeting and monster greeting card and funny valentine styles...and that's because of the talents that sent material my way!

In this issue you'll see work from Dan Taylor, Carrie Taylor, Sam Gafford, John Lambert, Dave Farley, Rick Limacher, Noor Hafizah, Terry Pavlet, Brad Foster, Jack Bertram, Brien Wayne Powell, Tim Tobolkski, Tim Temmel and J. Dultz, and Steve Skeates. Order your copy today! $2.25 postpaid in the USA. Personal checks only.made payable to Jim Main."

Like the above paragraphs say, it's a different kind of Valentine for sure! I'm looking forward to what the 2010 'Happy Valentine's Day' issue looks like!

You can purchase this, as well as over 50 other issues of Jim's magazines at: .

Thanks Jim for sending this issue in for possible mention.  You have some great stuff in your back issue bins for sale online!


Talking about publications: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works!

I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.



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