I have blogged about several publications from Main Enterprises, both because they have been sent in to me for a possible mention or review, AND that they were publications that I enjoyed reading!
I would have to say the same thing about the above pictured comic book format publication that was a recent submittal!
First, here is the promo about the magazine from Jim Main at Main Enterprises:
"Not a hoax...not an imaginary's actually here! The publication that began as an idea back in 2003 is FINALLY here in all its retro sf/space adventure glory! Full color covers by Robert Sumner and Tim Tobolski...interior art by Jan Johnson, Miguel Guerra, Larry Tisch, Jim Pack, Jason Gillespie, Dan Taylor, Rene Blansette...strips by John Lambert and Robert Sumner...fiction by Sam Gafford. A 40 page comic book format publication...only 3.25 plus 1.70 shipping. Personal checks only...made out to Jim Main, or via paypal."
Okay, So what was actually in the publication, and what did I think?
Well, just from the cover alone, I knew I could be in for a real treat! The cover was a homage to 'Woody', a.k.a. Wally Wood. Great Cover to start this issue off!
The inside cover pin-up page was a good continuation by Jan Johnson.
Then the letter from the Editor:
Welcome, at long last, to the first issue of STRANGE SPACE STORIES, a publication literally years in the making.
It began as an idea of mine back in 2003, when I hadwanted to add to my line up of roughly 3 other titles, a retro SF/Space publication of strips, fiction and illustrations, ultilizing the genres of action, adventure, drama, mystery and noir. I thensent out some feelers to those contributors I knew back then who may be interested in such a thing ...and a total of three talented folks responded.
Then, a couple years later, others sent me in material, but not enough for a full issue.As time went on, I had added to my list of talented contributors, and here we are at this point with the publication finally done and in your hands. I'd like to thank all involved in this endeavor, from the very patient folks who began since day one, up to those who just recently came aboard to finish it up, and all those in-between.
There are plans underway for a second issue and material is already in file for it. I promise that the wait will not be as long this time. Honest. In the meantime, it would be greatly appreciated if you, the reader, could send me a letter of comment on this issue for my planned letters page in issue #2. You can send it via email or snail mail at the contacts listed at the bottom of the page. Thanks in advance.
Transmission Ended...
"Grim" Jim Main
Pretty heartfelt there...
So what else was in this issue?
Here's the Table of Contents:
Front Cover by Robert "Floyd" Sumner
Inside Front Cover by Jan Johnson
Pg. 1..............Contents Page (illustrations by Larry Tisch)
Pg. 2..............Illustration by Marc Haines
Pg. 3.............."The Ark" by John Lambert, embellishments by Robert 'Floyd" Sumner
Pg. 9...............Illustration by Miguel Guerra
Pg. 11............."Bucket of Nerves" by Sam Gafford. Illustrations by Dan Taylor.
Pg. 24.............Illustration by Rene Blansette
Pg. 25............."Strange Frequencies", by Robert "Floyd" Sumner
Pg. 34.............Illustration by Miguel Guerra
Pg. 35.............Ilustration by Jason Gillespie
Inside Back Cover by Jim Pack
Back Cover by Tim Tobolski
Here are just a few of my thoughts on this issue:
I enjoyed "The Ark". Although it wasn't entirely a new concept, it entertained me, as well as being thought provoking.
The illustration on pg 9 by Miguel Guerra was an outstanding black and white illo pin-up!
Pg 24's illustration by Rene Blansette, although at first look, was a little 'simplistic' in style, turned into something that I looked at for a few minutes. It was more detailed than I originally thought...
"Strange Frequencies" was exactly that! Strange... BUT a Good Read! Kinda reminded me of the Sci-Fi TV Shows of the late 1950's - 1960's in black & white!
Pg 34 was another one page pin-up by Miguel Guerra. I hadn't seen this aspect of Miguel's work before. I liked both of these pin-ups by Miguel in this issue!
This blog post is running a little long, so I'll stop here on commenting on this individual issue.
However, I haven't printed the below history of 'Main Enterprises' before, but thought I should mention it in this blog post today:
Main Enterprises has been publishing fanzines, comics and magazines since the early 1970's, but under different names. You may also know us as Flying Pig Publications, Spectrum Graphics, Padded Cell Press, Lightning Comics, Cat's Paw Comics and Main Publishing. Whew! Many different names, but overall, the same great quality!
My thanks to Jim Main for sending in this first issue for possible mention / review here in my Blog!
You can see how to order this publication by clicking here!
PLUS My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts!
Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this 'Main Feature' article at the bottom right!
~ Michael D Hamersky @
Note: Comic books / graphic novels like the one mentioned above can be found at our own web site:
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you are breaking into or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:
Make It So Marketing PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 We also have an on-line exhibitor table at the virtual Facebook Comic Con. You can view the table by clicking this link.
If you are a Facebook member, please join our Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, and other wall posts!
If you are a Facebook member and would like to join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'.
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I wanted to mention an upcoming program that is NOT at a comic con. However, it is about "New York, the Super City"! Of course, with a program name like that, the odds are that it would be held in New York City and the program be about Super Heroes, right?! Here are the details that you would need to find and attend this special program: Host: New York Center for Independent Publishing Type: Education - Lecture
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: 20 W. 44th Street, New York, NY 10036 Here is additional info as to what is going on there: Panel Event Featuring: Danny Fingeroth Gene Kannenberg, Jr. Frank Tieri Billy Tucci New York served as the model for Gotham City, inspired Will Eisner as he created the noirish adventures of The Spirit, and became a recurring character during the 1960s resurgence of Marvel in comics such as Spider-Man and Iron Man. ForeWord Magazine contributing editor Peter Gutiérrez will moderate a high-energy roundtable on the relationship between superheroes and their favorite hometown... and on how comics culture has promoted potent and memorable images of New York to readers worldwide. Tickets are $15, $10 for CIP Members, $5 for students - please email or call 212-764-7021 to reserve!
For more info and updates on this Con check out this Facebook Event Page: Pictured below is the Logo for the organization that is hosting this special program:
BTW, the New York CIP has a Fan Page that you can join at Facebook, which you can see by clicking this link. --------------------------- Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review! I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed, which could either be published in the 'Main Feature' or 'Featurette' sections.
~Michael @ WEB PAGE NOTE: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently. The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768. All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. |