
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': Recently I received a package of mini-comics in the mail from Matt Levin. This was after he saw my 'Featurette' blog post on Jim Main's own mini-comics from Main Enterprises... I was pleased to receive these issues as I had not been aware of them being published, even though they have been in print for a decade now! Here's a little bit of info that I received and / or found on WALKING MAN COMICS: These series were created by Matt Levin, (words, music & pictures). He actually started publishing mini-comics in 1988! Then he published a 12-page mini-comic monthly from February 1996 to March 2006, which is quite a long period of time in the self-publishing arena! What Matt published were his original songs and short essays in two altnernating series, "Musicomics" with 60 total issues, and also "Walking Man Comics Presents Specials", which has run 71 issues. Currently Matt is publishing the latter title on a bi-monthly basis. Matt's goals for "Walking Man" are: "Imagination, brevity, elegance and wit", and the promotion of mini-comics as an affordable pocket-sized means of personal communications available to everyone, regardless of age, education, and 'professional ability', dedicated to the principle that one's level of drawing abioity should never discourage creators." Again, although I've never seen these mini-comics, episodes of them have been also published in the monly Small Press Syndicate zine "Rap Sheet", the bi-annual rubberstamp magazine "Banzai", and annually to other small press zines such as "Oh, Comics!", and the "Big Book of Small Press". One of the titles that I found 'unique' was the "Musicomics" issues he enclosed in the package. Those had original songs concerned with life, love, and loss, the world plus its ecology. Reminded me kind of the years of the 1960's when there was a lot of self expression published. Kind of 'Cool' in a way... Plus with his comics so inexpensive, it would be easy for you to share them with others of like mind via snail mail, after YOU read them. That would help spread the word about his efforts. Matt prefers to sell his mini-comics via mail order. So I'm going to refer you directly to him: Walking Man Comics, 123 Elm St., Hatfield, MA 01038! The mini-comics are priced at $1.00 each post-paid. A 12-page "Sampler" is also available for a first-class postage stamp. You can also contact him via email for additional info at: My thanks to Matt Levin for bringing his mini-comics history and ongoing publishing format to my attention! AND...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this 'Main Feature' article at the bottom right! ~ Michael D Hamersky @