TODAY'S 'MAIN FEATURE': This is another "Spotlight On..." blog in a series of blogs I have posted during the last two years! Well... Actually, you could actually call it more of a 'Mini-Sptlight' on Robert Roach today, because Tina and I met him briefly again at the recent LBCC Expo up in Long Beach California! Briefly, because although Robert was there to help man The Antidote Booth with others from the 'TAT Collective', he had to leave early to teach a class elsewhere later that afternoon! Busy guy, that Robert! I have blogged about Robert's two different mini series before, both the (non-autobiographical) "The Roach" and also "Menthu". See the links for those archived blog posts for actual reviews of each of the series, by clicking on the mini-series names. Robert still has those issues available for sale at: even though I've personally stated that "The Roach" was the Best Mini-Series I read in 2009! ;-) I'm looking forward to see what is next in line for Robert's publishing line. I'll be sure to let you know when his next work is available here in this blog. And Robert, it was Great to see You again, however brief a time it was! Oh, and if YOU enjoyed today's Spotlight Feature...The following are just a sampling of others that I have 'Spotlighted' in my Blog: Bruce Durham, Amanda Stevens, Scott Shaw!, James Pinard, Elisa Feliz, and Joe Pepitone a.k.a. JoepeP among others in the recent past! My thanks to Robert for posing with me for the photos, and for bringing his two mini series to my attention in the past couple of years! AND...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts! Join us again soon, as we publish another 'Main Feature'. And don't forget to check out the 'Featurette' shown below this 'Main Feature' article at the bottom right! ~ Michael D Hamersky @