
Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE: I've been in contact quite a bit with Allen Bellman recently, ever since we've become Facebook Friends... That's because he is a wealth of information on the early comics industry. Before I post where he will be headlined at, let me tell you just a little of what he has done in the World of Comics: First I'm going to post a couple of links. Here's the known credits for Allen Bellman's pencils in comics: Here's the known credits for Allen Bellman's inks in comics: Okay... hopefully you are back now?! Because if you are like me, you took a look at several of those credits while you were on those links! Oh, and there are more credits that should be entered, but for those of you that don't know, 'credits' were not published usually during the Golden Age Of Comics! So it is really good that today we have the Grand Comics Database to look at for info. If you appreciate this resource, why don't you stop at their home page at: and click the 'Donate Button'?! Okay, end of 'semi-commercial' for the GCD! Back to Allen Bellman's Bio. The following is from the 'Allen Bellman Fan Group' started by Jeff McLaughlin on Facebook: "Allen Bellman was born in Manhattan and studied at the High School of Industrial Arts. He eventually became a staff artist at Timely during the Golden Age of comics. While still a teenager, he did the backgrounds for Syd Shores' Captain America in 1942, and eventually worked on titles such as: The Patriot, The Destroyer, The Human Torch, Jap Buster Johnson and Jet Dixon of the Space Squadron, All Winners Comics, Marvel Mystery, Sub Mariner Comics, Young Allies and so much more.
Here is a link to the Facebook Group Page so that YOU can join: Okay, so now YOU know who Allen Bellman is, some of what he's penciled and inked, and what he has been doing since he left the field of comic books. Here's where it gets even better! You can see him headline the upcoming Cosmic Comic Connection at the Orange County Regional History Center in Orlando, Florida on April 10th of 2010! For more information on the hours and the cost to see Allen PLUS the rest of the Center, here is the link to the landing page for that event: Please Note: Even though the Center has a Facebook Fan Page, they have Not posted an event page for this Cosmic Comic Connection as of this blog's posting time... Here is the link to the Center's Facebook Fan Page so you can see what else they have there: Orange County Regional History Center Note from Michael: I want to add the following that Allen sent me after the passing of another comics great: "The comic book industry just lost an icon and legend, I speak of Dick Giodano, a great artist and above all all gentleman. He wa supposed to appear with me at a one day comic book event in Orlando on April 10th, he will be missed. Dick and I have appeared in many comic book conventions and usually our tables were side side. I wonder if they publish comic books in Heaven." For those that missed my memorial blog to Dick Giordano, you can read by clicking this link. Again, my thanks to Allen Bellman for informing me of this upcoming event! Plus thanks to Paul who is associated with the Center, for guiding me over the phone as to where the event was posted online so I could tell my blog readers! AND...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now almost at the 3,100 total posts in number!! ~ Michael D Hamersky @