
Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3116: For those of you that were wondering 'Where The Action Was' going to be at for Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) next Saturday.... I know where at Least ONE Copy of Action Comics #1 will be displayed for viewing! In addition, Jamie and Kristin have brought in several of the 2010 Special Edition FCBD Comics for FREE distribution on this upcoming Special Saturday! Plus, there will be several back issues of regular titles that will also be distributed Free, in conjunction with the FCBD Comics! Lastly, there Could be even a SECOND Copy of Action Comics #1 on display for viewing that day! When I was there this past Saturday to check out where I would be located in the store for FCBD, Jamie told me there was a possibility of a second copy being there on the same day! For those of you who don't realize it, Action Comics #1 is a 'Holy Grail' for many comic collectors, and the ever increasing prices on that comic keep it out of the hands of most of them! Indeed, the most recent news in the Comics World has been the fantastic prices realized at auction for two other graded copies of this comic book! Just 'google' that and you'll see what I mean! The Fun starts at 10AM Saturday, May 1st, and is expected to end by 5PM when the store normally closes. There will be possible photo ops, as well as FCBD Comics and other comics distributed as well. For location and store hours, see below: 8280 Clairemont Mesa Bl. #124 Saturday is FCBD: SoCal Comics web site: PERSONAL NOTE From Michael: Last year Tina and I drove over almost all of Metro San Diego for the FCBD 2009. See these links, 2009 FCBD Part 1 & 2009 FCBD Part 2 for my reviews on what all the participating stores were doing last year. This year, I will be blogging and Facebooking from this one location only. I invite you to stop by, and say hello after seeing 'Where The Action Is'! Matter of fact, I'll be set up very close to the Action Comics #1 display! My thanks in advance to Jamie Newbold for extending the invitation to me to set up a little table at his store to blog about 'Where The Action Is' in San Diego! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,100 total posts in number!~ Michael D Hamersky @