
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3157: (07-14-10 This is an ADDENDUM to the PrePaid Parking Update from earlier this morning on my Facebook Group Page at about the underground parking at the San Diego Convention Center itself- my FB Friend "kept asking around and ended up calling the convention center to find out if "sold out" really ment "sold out" and they said yes they sold all avaliable spaces by presale and there would be no drive up and park without a prepaid ticket." So, for those of YOU that have not purchased prepaid parking as mentioned below, it would seem that your options are parking around the convention center now...!) This is a short preliminary blog post about the upcoming San Diego Comic Con...Okay, I'm an old timer there, it's actually the 'Comic Con International: San Diego', but most attendees refer to it as SDCC when writing about it, or just Comic-Con when speaking about it... Anyways, I've already been asked via email and private message board on Facebook about the new 'Comic-Con Pre-Paid Parking' that was announced a few days ago. Here's the link to the Comic-Con's official web page to that 'Comic-Con Pre Paid Parking'. I'm posting it here in my blog, NOT because I recommend You doing so, but because since it is brand new for this year, it is probably better to be 'safe' than 'sorry' by doing so! I say this because, Tina and I have for years gone down early to park below the Convention Center itself. Way too early for her, she says...But she understands why. We take box after box down to our auto of promo items, publications to read and possibly review blog from comics creators, and all kinds of other items we are given. So we have to have the underground parking at the convention centr itself! One year I bought a 'flipped long box collection' from a New York dealer, who had just bought it the day before. He hadn't had time to peruse it and grade it before heading out to San Diego. He got a fair return from us, and I got the 'pleasure' of walking it out to the far parking structure without a handtruck! Never again, no matter how great a deal it is! Sheesh! Anyways, I am bringing this to your attention so that YOU have the opportunity to make up your mind before this new option of parking is 'SOLD OUT'! I would hate to get down there early, just to find that there is no parking at that ungodly hour, because people coming hours later have already 'reserved' a parking space online. So a word to my blog readers...Be aware of this new option, and read it very carefully, and click the right parking location to reserve your space. Plus if YOU are going every day, you have to seperately get a parking 'reservation' for EACH & EVERY Day! Plus PRINT it OUT, and bring it with you! And yeah...the SERVICE CHARGE hits YOU on each and every daily purchase...You have to buy one for each and every day...Cha-Ching! I said above that I am not 'recommending' this option. I only did it for 'self-preservation', because I wouldn't want to get down there early and find myself 'locked out' because others have booked parking ahead of time, and then drive leisurely down there to get in. Why do I say the above? That's because I used to work for one of the two companies that run these parking lots in San Diego. I forsee 'problems' with this type of 'option' of getting in. But, if you need to get parking on a daily basis, there are few choices in the area... 'Nuff Said!
I hope that the parking situation and the new option goes well for all concerned. AND, My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our earlier archived blog posts, now numbering over 3,155 in number! Michael D Hamersky @
P.S. Yeah, that's me in the photo shown to the left, taken at the 1973 San Diego Comic Con that was then located in the Sheraton Hotel on Harbor Island. Would you believe there was only 1,000+ attendees at that Con?! Last year, (2009) there was over 126,000 attendees! I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 SDCC at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)! You can find us online and be 'interactive' with us at: Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing's exhibitor table! Nowadays... Our online comic book store carries many different promotional items from this Con and other cons that either I have attended alone, or that Tina & I have attended since our getting married in 2001 at:!