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Friday, June 18, 2010
'My Take' On: The 2009 Sherlock Homes Film Now On DVD
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Other Movie Genres



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'My Take' On the 2009 Film:


PLUS: Tina LoSasso's 'Mini-Take' on the Film!

Above Photo: One of the Film's Many Posters!

At the Top Left: Film Poster of Lord Blackwood - Played by Mark Strong

At Middle Left: Film Poster of Adler - Played by Rachel McAdams

At the Bottom Left: Film Poster of Watson - Played by Jude Law 



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3167:

Last night we rented the DVD version of the Sherlock Holmes Film that was shown in theaters starting last Christmas Day of 2009.

I had some thoughts back then to see this film, because of the trailers, and TV commercials, but my wife Tina, who is a much bigger fan of Sherlock Holmes just didn't want to see it on the Big Screen.

Which was strange IMO, because she 'loves' Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr, and they were together in this film?!

Well, the Holiday Season went over pretty fast for us, and I never made the time to go see this at the Big Screen alone...

So when we had an opportunity to rent a film last night, after exhausting the last of the taped TV shows from this past season, I suggested she choose something from the Redbox kiosk while we were out picking a card for someone.

She didn't come up with anything, and I had in the back of mind this Sherlock Holmes film on DVD.  So that's what we went home with.

So what is this film about? Below are two promo blurbs from the time of this film being released:

"The game is afoot – and astounding! Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law put memorable imprints on the roles of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in a bold reimagining that makes the famed sleuth a daring man of action as well as a peerless man of intellect. Guy Ritchie directs this dazzling adventure."


"Set in 1891, the film revolves around Holmes and Watson as they try to stop a conspiracy that could destroy Britain, opening with Holmes apprehending cult leader ‘Lord Blackwood’ (Mark Strong), who promises he will return from the dead and exact his revenge, while being led to the gallows."

So...What's 'My Take' on this Film?

Well, the actual film itself was NOT as action packed and as exciting as the trailers and TV commercials made it out to be, at least for me.

The actual 'Sherlock Holmes' property has been around for what seems forever, and I have over my many years of going to movies, and reading the books, and even the comic books on Sherlock Holmes was both intrigued by the re-imagining of Sherlock Holmes and yet not thrilled by total package.

Here's why: 

Sherlock Holmes, played by Robert Downey Jr., was just a little too different at times portraying Sherlock Holmes during the film. 

I was surprised at Sherlock's actions during the 'action' scenes, yet during the slower scenes I couldn't always make out what he was saying.

I enjoy Robert Downey Jr., as 'Iron Man' in those recent Marvel Films, he has the character 'Tony Stark' down pat.  Perfect, period. 

Not here.  Maybe it's the muttering of the lines, or the strange hat he wears during the film, but it just wasn't the Sherlock Holmes I've been used to during the years of reading & watching Sherlock Holmes...And Yes, I know this film was to be a 'reimagining' of the character.. 

And trust me, I've seen a lot of Sherlock Holmes from British productions since being married to Tina since 2001! 

Jude Law, who plays Watson in this film, came across too different as Watson for me.  Yet playing against Downey's Sherlock Holmes, was a more calming influence in the film. So I'm OK with this portrayal.

What's a film without a villain?  Well, in this case, Mark Strong's portrayal of Lord Blackwood was definitely creepy. Not over the top, yet not too unbelievable for me.

Usually the women in the Sherlock Holmes stories, (what women? LOL), don't really stand out.  In this film, Adler, played by Rachel McAdams, does.  Yet is she really part of the Sherlock Holmes 'Canon', that purists kept blogging about months ago?

I couldn't find a film poster for Inspector Lestrade, played by Eddie Marsan. I found his portrayal to be the most similar to what I've seen on film or TV productions in the past. I was fine with his role in this film.

Overall for this film, I would give it the comic book grade of Fine Plus (F+) 6.5 out of a 10.0 grading scale.  Not because of the film itself, as the film itself is beautiful in the scenery, the mood, the action, and the overall filming...But because it wasn't like the trailers and TV commercials that induced me to possibly want to see it on the Big Screen.  That would have been a lot of money for both of us to go to, AND I would have had to hear about from Tina after dragging her there, who...Well, I'll just post a few of her verbal comments starting here:

"I love Robert Downey Jr., but he wasn't my idea of Sherlock Holmes at all."

"He always uses his brains, not brawn."

"It's punch after punch after punch."

"Sherlock Holmes would take a person down with a punch or with his cane."

"Watson would come in and punch somebody."

"Jude Law as Watson, was NOT Watson."

(Note from Michael:  THAT from a woman who loves Jude Law.  I can't count how many films I've watched with Jude Law in the last few years!)

Tina's comic book grade for this Sherlock Holmes film: Fine (F) 6.0 out of a 10.0 grading scale.

Now that we are near the end of this review blog, I want to mention again the comic book aspect of Sherlock Holmes.

After all, this is 'ComicBookCollectors Blog.com', right?!

Well, believe it or not, there have been 24 different comic book titles, either one-shots or series, with 'Sherlock Holmes' as part of the title during the years, as seen by this link to the GCD web site!

You see...Comic Books are NOT all Zap! Pow! Cronk! type of reading!

The Sherlock Holmes comics with 'Sherlock Holmes' in the title, have been published by different publishers since 1975.  The one-shot to the left is the first with 'Sherlock Holmes' in the title that I could find.  I'm sure there were other series with Sherlock Holmes as a character, but this one was the first as a stand alone comic book title.  After the above reviewed film came out, I haven't been able to keep it in stock for sale, so there has been a renewed interest in this character since the Holiday Season of 2009.

One last thing before I wrap up this blog post:

The film itself is discussed of course at the Wikipedia entry for this film.  Plus the old web site that was originally for the promotion of this Film before and during the Holiday Season, has now gone to basically promoting the film on DVD, so I am providing you a link to that web site here. The old url for the film actually redirects you to the Warner Bros web site, which in turn directs you to the WB web store to purchase the DVD.

My thanks to my wife, Tina LoSasso, for consenting to rent this DVD last night.  I put her through a lot of films she normally wouldn't watch on the Big Screen or rent on DVD, but then again...I seem to watch endless versions of a certain book author's properties, (Jane Austen), over and over and over again, LOL!

AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,165 total posts in number!

~ Michael D Hamersky @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com

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For those of you that didn't know me before today...I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 San Diego West Coast Comic Con (SDCC) at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL 

My wife Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor (dealer) table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)!

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~Michael @ ComicBookCollectorsBlog.com


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, June 18, 2010 7:59 AM PDT
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