
Topic: TV Shows
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3169: Today I'm pleased once again to have as guest blogger, Vinnie, who is writing 'His Take' on the The Ultimate Underdog Collection - Volume 1 on DVD that we bought yesterday to view: [SPOILER ALERT: This whole blog post is a 'Spoiler Alert', but with all the millions of people that have watched Underdog on TV...This is more of a review of the collection from a tween's POV.] My Take On: The ULTIMATE Underdog Collection on DVD - Volume 1 (only)! This is the Volume 1 of the 3 Volume set of The Ultimate Underdog Collection which has 6 complete episodes, with 4 parts each. In between the main parts are Mini-Cartoons, such as Hunter, Go Go Gophers, Klondike Kat, Tennessee Tuxedo, Tooter Turtle, and several others. The main themes which cover 2 episodes are, "The Big Dipper," "The Gold Bricks," and, "Fearo The Ferocious." These were made during the 60's which is why there are flaws in animation and the old style of animation. "The Big Dipper" is about when Simon Barsinister invented a machine to dry up all the water in the world. "The Gold Bricks" is about when Underdog was asked to drive an armored truck carrying one billion dollars worth of gold from one bank to another. Riff Raff steals the gold and paints it to look as though it were red bricks, so he could sneak them across the border to sell. "Fearo The Ferocious" is a take-off of King Kong. Polly's network needs rating so they plan to film a show of an exciting adventure with a giant ape creature called Fearo. In the Bonus Features there is a special interview with Joe Harris, the co-creator of Underdog. In that interview, you find out that Polly Purebred was based off of Marylin Monroe, and he says the reason for that was because during that time, everyone just loved her. He also modeled Riff Raff's character after George Raft, and Simon Barsinister was influenced by Lionel Barrymore's voice. I really liked the Mini-Cartoons, for they added a bit of spice to everything. They would come between the main features and would start right after a suspensful part in the real episode. This would have made it so you had to watch through all those in order to see what would happen. I liked the Special Features because you can watch them how they originally were shown, with just the Underdog cartoons, or just the Mini-Cartoons, so you can pick what exactly to watch. What I didn't like were the cut-offs. After a couple of episodes, I started to notice it appeared as though it ended where it hadn't originally ended. It was kind of as though we paid to get something and paid the full price to only get part of the object we paid for. As for who this is recommended for, it still applies the same as it did in the 1960's both kids and adults will love it. There is of course a fair amount of guns, but every scene where people were firing, you couldn't even see anything coming from the gun. But, with Underdog, they were shown, but just shown as bouncing off for he has invincibility. I would recommend this for any kid or adult I know, that has seen, heard about, or loves Underdog on a casual viewer basis. For the 'Ultimate' Underdog Collector, this isn't the 'Ultimate' Collection due to the splicing. However, using the comic book grading scale I would give this a Very Fine Minus (VF-) 7.5 out of a 10.0 grading scale. -------------------------------------------That's the end of today's guest blog by Vinnie...My thanks to him for sharing here today what we watched this weekend! If YOU liked his review on this DVD, you may enjoy reading his reviews on: Planet Hulk, Coraline, Ponyo, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Vol 1, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, just to name a recent few! AND My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,165 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @