TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3170: This past month I have been posting on my Facebook Group Page, (found at, that I would be attending my second meeting at the Semantink's Comic Savvy after enjoying myself at the May 2010 meeting. I also posted several links to the 'Facebook Event Invite' to attend the June 20th meeting of Semantink's Comic Savvy in the Mission Valley area of San Diego. So last night after celebrating Fathers' Day with my own dad and my youngest son, Tina and I drove down to attend, arriving a little after the informal meeting started at 5PM. The 'Facebook Event' showed the following: Semantink's Comic Savvy! Date: Sunday, June 20th, 2010 "We will meet, enjoy a java-inspired beverage, chitchat on everything comic books (and maybe more), perhaps meet some industry professionals and hopefully learn more about comics from one another through inspired dialogue." This event's page, even though it is now over, can be found by clicking here. You can see who was planning to attend, maybe attending, etc. Once again the meeting was casual, "beginning" at 5 PM, and not going too much in depth at first, allowing those others that were expected to be there to find parking and walk to the coffee house. Please Note: Parking is enforced for a one hour maximum. You need to obtain a free parking placard to be parked there for over an hour. The parking limit is strictly enforced. So get the parking permit at Milano Coffee House! BTW, several attendees, including myself and Tina, would break from the group ocassionally and order additional coffee refills, as Milano Coffee Co had a 5 at 5 Coffee Special going on. $5 for unlimited coffee refills starting at 5 PM. There were also sandwiches and wraps available from the coffee house if you came hungry! The sponsor of the meeting, Semantink Publishing, was represented by four of the fourteen persons attending. The topics were not only about indy comics, which is what Semantink publishes... but instead were a lot about mainstream comics, comic cons, and comics online. Also, the ages of the attendees were far ranging, from the mid 20's to the mid 50's. There were also two females there among the fourteen attendees, including Shannon Forrey, who was there last month, and also my wife Tina LoSasso, who was traveling with me yesterday, making all the stops in the busy day! As noted in my earlier blog on last month's meeeting, the comics reading experiences of the attendees ranged from the Silver Age of Comics to the Modern Age of Comics. Indeed, we even viewed several comic books and comic book videos on the iPad brought in by Christopher Henderson again! Thanks Christopher! Last meeting I conducted a survey on where the attendees of the last meeting bought their new comics / graphic novels. This time I asked questions about the upcoming Comic Con International: San Diego (a.k.a. San Diego Comic Con). Following are my questions and results: 1) Who is going to the Comic-Con that is happening in July in San Diego: 12 out of 14 were planning on attending the 2010 Comic-Con. 2) Who is going all 4 days + Preview Night: 9 out of 14. 3) Who is going between 2-4 days? 3 out of 14. 4) Who is going just 1 day? 0 out of 14 5) Who is aware of the new parking lot option? 5 out of 14. Three persons mentioned seeing that new option in a previous blog post of mine, which YOU can see here. 6) What is Your TOP Reason for going to Comic-Con THIS year? I had a set of reasons why that I verbalized, but the meeting attendees last night had several reasons of their own. Here are the reasons given: Hanging out with friends - 1 Tradition - 1 Podcasting from the con - 1 Promoting my work - 5 Networking - 1 "Copious amount of collecting activities" - 1 Hall H and other programs - 1 Artists Alley & Small Press Booths for blogging topics - 1 Note: As you can see from above, there were several industry pros attending last night's Semantink's Comic Savvy! After participating in my survey above, I distributed copies of a San Diego Comic Con Exclusive Comic Book to all attending, for being kind enough to participate in my survey. Talking about distributing comics, there were also many books and other publications that were shared by those that brought them to talk about what is out there for fans, aspiring writers or illustrators, etc. That is what is 'cool' about attending an informal meeting like this. If YOU are in the San Diego Metro Area, I urge YOU to attend July's meeting! Talking about comic cons, meetings, etc., there were additional topics discussed, including Geeks-Con up in Whittier the day before, (see this link to that event), that was attened by both John Narcomey and AJ Herrera. Plus both John and AJ discussed the Pasadena Rose Bowl Comics & Collectible Show which has been having a comics show within the big Pasadena Rose Bowl itself. I've not been able to attend one yet, but after listening to both John and AJ, I definitely want to make it up there for one! Many other topics were discussed, both as one large group, and occasionally as a few individuals...Hey, I told you it was informal! Oh, I also shared several Golden Age Comics that were just received by me from an actor that I met at the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con. He had my card from the show, and called and asked if I sell on consignment. More on that in a future blog! My thanks again to James Michael Ninness, who originally sent me the invite to attend May's Comic Savvy! James acts as an informal 'moderator' to keep the meeting lively. Good topics again, James! I encourage all of you that are reading this blog post, and live in the San Diego County area to check out this monthly meeting, by checking out the above referenced Facebook Event Link and Pages! AND this meeting is NOT just for San Diego comics fans. One came from Temecula in Riverside County, and another from LA Metro Area! Here are just a few of those that attended last night's meeting with links to their Facebook Member Pages or their Fan Pages: John Narcomey - well known in the comics industry, AJ Herrera - well known comics podcaster: Forbidden Panel, James Michael Ninness, comic book writer - whose Mythoi #1 I blogged about recently, Benjamin Glibert - Publisher - Semantink Publishing, Rich Kuhaupt - who showed me his sketch book with new ideas that I may be blogging about in the near future, Tina LoSasso - Amazon Books Launch Promoter as seen at her web site, Make It So Marketing and her Facebook Fan Page:! I'll be mentioning more attendees in upcoming blog posts of future meetings! Special Note: NEXT Month's meeting will be July 18th. Yes, the weekend before the 2010 Comic Con International: San Diego! So for those of YOU driving or flying in early to San Diego to attend or exhibit this comic con...Feel Free to stop in at July Comic Savvy the Sunday Night before! Plus My Thanks to Semantink Publishing for sponsoring this meeting. You can find their Facebook Fan Page by clicking here and of course there will be a link to the July 18th 'Facebook Event' in the near future! AND My Thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now totalling over 3,165 posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @