The Pre San Diego Comic-Con International Check Off List! For the 2010 SDCC - Part 5 Artists Alley! 

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-------------- Above Photo: Michael D Hamersky shown above by the Green Hornet's Black Beauty during the 2009 SDCC. He does make it to other exhibits on the floor besides the Artists Alley & Small Press Pavilion! At the Top Left: Tina LoSasso & Michael in the Last LOST Panel Line SDCCI 2009! At the Bottom Left: The Logo for the Comic Con International: San Diego - a.k.a. San Diego Comic Con 2010. | | |
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3194: Now it's less than 1 day away until the 2010 Comic-Con International: San Diego, (a.k.a. SDCC), opens its doors for Preview Night! As stated in this blog series in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4, Tina & I will be there for all 5 days and 4 nights. Tina has been going since 2001 when we were engaged. That was also the year that Hollywood 'discovered' Comic-Con. For those of you that don't know...I first set up as a comic book dealer back at the El Cortez Hotel in 1972 when the SDCC was at that venue. So we both have different expectations and outlooks about this comic convention. This pre-con check off list, which is now in its' 5th Part today, is what we will be preparing with between now and when leave to drive down to the San Diego Convention Center. We are lucky that the Comic-Con is only 35 miles South of us here in Carlsbad, California at this time. I will NOT be recapping here today what was already blogged about in the earlier four blogs. So please read them via the links already provided above. ------------ Now for Part 5's topic - Names of Creators In Artists Alley & Those That I Already Know & Suggest YOU stop in and See Via the hyper-links shown in light blue color: I will attempt in the limited amount of time available today to post links to the all of the creators listed below that I have blogged about in previous years. There will be a hyper-link for those creators. I am hoping to meet new creators and possibly review blog several of those creators' works that they display at this comic con. Brent Anderson EE-21 | Steve Lieber CC-13 | Dominic Aradio AA-23 | Ron Lim BB-19 | RC Aradio AA-24 | Wayne Lo GG-19 | Adam Archer CC-02 | Michael Lopez CC-18 | Robert Atkins FF-20 | Jim Mahfood AA-14 | Aldrin Aw (Buzz) AA-07 | Francis Manapul EE-17 | David Baron CC-07 | Leah Mangue II-04 | Chris Batista AA-21 | Larry Marder DD-17 | Scott Beaderstadt HH-21 | Marcus Margerum FF-14 | Alex Bell DD-11 | Barbara Marker HH-17 | Scott Benefiel AA-22 | Amy Martin HH-08 | Anina Bennett - CC-10 | Earl Martin II-05 | Jerry Bingham HH-18 | Randy Martinez GG-18 | Patrick Block AA-17 | Ruben Martinez GG-11 | Shelly Block AA-18 | Joey Mason EE-04 | Mitch Breitweiser DD-06 | Theresa Mather HH-01 | Reilly Brown EE-06 | Bill Maus HH-06 | Alexander Buechel GG-12 | Meghan McMahon II-06 | Chris Burnham EE-07 | Carla Speed McNeil HH-09 | Dennis Calero FF-05 | Lord Mesa DD-03 | Eric Canete DD-10 | Leonardo Meschini BB-17 | Zander Cannon AA-12 | Jonboy Meyers FF-23 | Sergio Cariello DD-19 | David Miller HH-05 | Tom Carroll DD-15 | Christopher Moeller II-22 | Jacob Chabot FF-19 | Mark Morales HH-19 | Celine Chapus AA-20 | Chris Moreno AA-03 | Mike Choi AA-16 | Jeffrey Moy BB-05 | Justin Chung GG-07 | Philip Moy BB-06 | Scott Clark BB-22 | Sho Murase GG-24 | Anthony Coffey GG-03 | Ted Naifeh AA-19 | Katie Cook GG-02 | Todd Nauck BB-13 | Joe Corroney GG-08 | Bosco Ng GG-21 | David Crosland AA-15 | Dustin Nguyen FF-04 | Carlos D'Anda CC-03 | Nick Nix CC-08 | Paul Dale HH-24 | Oliver Nome CC-19 | Shane Davis EE-05 | Eduardo Nunez CC-03 | Sue Dawe AA-06 | William O'Neill BB-04 | Edgar Delgado CC-04 | Ryan Odagawa FF-21 | Brian Denham DD-05 | Leonardo Olea CC-05 | Dave Devries II-19 | Steve Oliff HH-03 | Tony DeZuniga II-02 | Andy Owens FF-02 | Samwise Didier AA-09 | Sergio Paez GG-22 | Otto Dieffenbach AA-01 | Tom Palmer II-11 | Michael Dooney DD-22 | Lucio Parrillo BB-03 | Felipe Echevarria II-20 | Dan Parsons GG-14 | Robbie Elrod II-07 | James Pascoe DD-21 | Gabriel Eltaeb EE-11 | Allen Passalaqua CC-06 | Randy Emberlin DD-18 | Andrew Pepoy BB-18 | Greg Espinoza FF-12 | David Petersen GG-09 | Dustin Evans EE-10 | Joseph Phillips BB-08 | Jason Felix BB-02 | Whilce Portacio EE-18 | Nathan Fox BB-21 | rk (Randall) Post DD-08 | Francheso! EE-08 | Bill Pulkovski GG-16 | Erin Frawley II-08 | David Rabbitte GG-15 | Hunter Freberg II-15 | Livio Ramondelli CC-17 | Stan Freberg II-16 | Ron Randall BB-19 | Gary Fredreich II-13 II-14 | Norm Rapmund BB-12 | Richard Friend CC-22 | Enrique Rivera EE-14 | Dave Garcia DD-16 | Robert Roach DD-07 | Ale Garza BB-10 | Jerry Robinson II-09 | Johnny B. Gerardy DD-14 | Roger Robinson DD-20 | Chris Giarrusso FF-17 | Ed Roeder BB-11 | Patrick Gleason CC-16 | Rachelle Rosenberg HH-20 | Joel Gomez CC-21 | Vaughn Ross GG-23 | Keron Grant EE-01 | Josef Rubinstein BB-14 | Randy Green FF-03 | Steve Rude HH-15 HH-16 | Sanford Greene DD-12 | Nick Runge EE-12 | John Griffin EE-14 | Stuart Sayger AA-04 | Peter Gross AA-10 | Gregg Schigiel FF-18 | Paul Guinan - CC-09 | Richard Schleifer HH-04 | Brian Haberlin BB-24 | Frank Silas DD-13 | John Hahn GG-10 | Alex Sinclair CC-23 | Molly Hahn HH-07 | Cory Smith HH-22 | Scott Hampton II-24 | Jamie Snell GG-13 | Richard "Peter" Han EE-24 | Cat Staggs GG-04 | Scott Harben GG-05 | Christina Strain EE-20 | Chad Hardin BB-09 | James Sturm HH-10 | Elvin Hernandez EE-15 | Susumu Sugita FF-13 | Gabriel Hernandez AA-02 | Shirley Susilo FF-07 | Sabrina Hertzberg AA-08 | Arthur Suydam BB-01 | Tom Hodges GG-01 | Durwin Talon 11-21 | Sandra Hope CC-01 | Philip Tan BB-23 | Jackie Huang GG-20 | Sherilyn Tanala FF-06 | Mike Huddleston AA-13 | Brian Tillman EE-16 | Mark Irwin FF-24 | Anthony Tollin FF-15 | Anson Jew DD-24 | C. Tyler HH-11 | Benton Jew DD-23 | John Van Fleet II-23 | SZE Jones DD-02 | Denise Vasquez GG-17 | Kleebs Junior FF-11 | Tim Vigil DD-04 | Ryan Kelly AA-11 | Emily Warren EE-19 | JJ Juvaun Kirby CC-20 | Anthony Washington FF-22 | Lee Kohse GG-06 | Wasted Ink BB-15 BB-16 | Rich Koslowski BB-07 | John Watkins-Chow AA-05 | Jason Kruse EE-22 | Al Wiesner II-10 | Andrew Kudelka II-01 | Dave Wilkins EE-23 | Peter Kuper II-17 | Adam Williams FF-08 | Lisa Kwon AA-22 | Christopher Williams BB-20 | Jesse Labbe GG-03 | Freddie Williams EE-13 | Joe Largent EE-03 | Scott Williams CC-24 | Stanley "Artgerm" Lau II-18 | Neil Winn EE-09 | Alvin Lee DD-09 | Chuk Wojtkiewicz DD-01 | Leo Leibelman II-03 | Sergio Wong CC-11 | Henry Liao FF-16 | Thomas Yeates CC |
Note: The above was a 'complete list' of those that have tables in Artists Alley as of July 19th. I noticed a few changes , and have noted them here. The reason I am selecting the above section called 'Artists Alley' to 'spotlight' here is because it is quite often 'overlooked' by those that are there for just one or two days. It is at the back of the exhibit floors, yet seems to have a goodly amount of traffic from those that have been to Comic-Con before and know what treasures can be found there. It is up to YOU, the con goer to see if this area would be of interest and or value to you. I enjoy seeing new publications come out, and several of the above are self publishers. So I enjoy this section, as well as the 'Small Press Pavilion'. I had wanted to include that 'Small Press Pavilion' in this blog post... Unfortunately my time is running short today. I normally blog early in the morning, and right now it is early evening here in North San Diego County! So I won't be including those in the Small Press Pavilion in this blog post today! I may have time in the morning before leaving to leave a 'forwarding blog' to where I will be posting hi-lites, NOT blogs, from the San Diego Comic Con itself. If I don't, here's the info: Those will be at my Facebook Group Page: Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing, a.k.a. That's it for today...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,190 total posts in number! ~ Michael D Hamersky @ Note: Our online comic book store carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items at:
"Hammering Out the Web For You Since May 12th, 1998!"
Note: If you are breaking into, or already work in the comic book industry or other pop culture productions, you are welcome to email us press releases, news items, and updates that you feel would be of interest to our blog readers. Including YOUR own works! To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to:
Make It So Marketing Inc. PO Box 130653 Carlsbad, CA 92013 - It's Under The Big Top Of Comics! Click the Above Circus Tent to See Our Current Listings!
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My thanks to those of YOU that have read today's blog post! I do appreciate that!
For those of you that didn't know me before today... I first set up as a 'dealer' at the 1972 San Diego West Coast Comic Con (SDCC) at the El Cortez Hotel. So I've been around comic conventions for a little while, LOL! My wife Tina and I now have an on-line exhibitor (dealer) table at the first "virtual" comic con titled the "Facebook Comic Con" (FBCC)! You can view our dealer table and interact with us there on Facebook by clicking this link, which takes you to our table named: 'Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing'. So if YOU are a Facebook member, please 'join' our Facebook Comic Con - Make It So Marketing exhibitor table for updates, specials, links to this blog, and other wall comments that we post every day! Also, if you are a Facebook member and would like to also join my Facebook Network, feel free to send a 'friend request' to 'Michael D Hamersky'. I am reaching the maximum of 5,000 Facebook Friends soon, and I don't want YOU to be left out! ------------------- Talking about comics: if YOU are a comics creator, (writer, penciler, inker, colorist, letterer, etc.), OR even a Comics / Magazine Publisher, feel free to contact me regarding YOUR works for a possible mention / review!
I've made a special blog post about: "How To Best Submit YOUR Publication For Possible Review!" for those creators / publishers that would like to possibly have their publications mentioned or reviewed. Just click on the link provided in this paragraph! ~Michael @ WEB PAGE NOTE: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safarai, Netscape, Firefox and the others serve the page up differently, sorry about that! The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer. NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners. |