
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3231: Yes...Today's post is about yet another publication that I 'found' at the recent SDCCI! As you may have noticed by now, I was given quite a few review copies from comics creators at this Comic Con. It was Sunday, July 25th, and I was back in the Small Press Section of the Comic-Con, going down the aisles, checking out what either grabbed my eyes or my son's. Comics creators in this Small Press Section of the Comic-Con normally have at least a 'banner' touting their publications. Which is the smart thing to do in a comic convention of this size! Blair Kitchen and I talked for a while, and after looking at his publications for a while, he asked if could possibly I review one of them in my Blog, which currently is the #1 'Followed' Blogs on Facebook per the Facebook app NetworkedBlogs. I chose issue #1, which is usually the best place to start reading an indy comic book, unless there is an Issue #0 or Preview Issue, or if the 'Origin' of the character isn't published until issue #2 or later... Here is what the the creator of 'The Possum' says about his comic's first issue, as found on the web site: The Possum #1 Publisher: Possum Press Language: English ISBN: none Okay...Here is 'My Take' on the 1st issue of The Possum: Front Cover - The figures on the front cover kind of 'grabbed me'. I'm not always into cartoony type of superheroes, but the placement of the Logo, the cover text, etc., was well done, inviting me to turn the cover page... Which I did. The inside cover was a letter from the creator / self publisher. Telling me the basic history of the character, and why it took so long to bring this issue to market. Good marketing on this inside cover. Got me to feel for the creator / self publisher / and main character! The first page - Not a 'Splash Page' - Instead it's us the readers looking over the shoulder of Stuart Spankly, who is illustrating his new comic book, called 'The Possum'. This is a good way to bring a reader into the story. I liked this approach. More multi-panel pages are shown, with some full page and some double spread pages...I'm finding myself liking the character even more, plus the other chacters that are introduced, and the storyline that develops. This issue is a done-in-one comic book story. Which even though it took 72 pages to do so...I wasn't bored, nor wanting it to end. Good thing, because there is an issue #2 to follow! And yes, although the front and back covers are in color, the interior pages are black & white. The inside front cover was the letters page, titled 'Possum Mail'. Plus an add for Spy Guy - which is a comic book by Blair's brother Mike Kitchen. And a house ad for 'The Possum T Shirt'. Looks like Blair has The Possum covered in marketing, (pun intended!). The back cover is a comic strip featuring The Possum in 'Shirts and Skins", which of course is a promo for The Possum T-Shirts for sale! Another good marketing ploy, and witty enough to work! I found this comic book to be very entertaining for me. The number of pages used to cover the origin of the character were the right amount of pages, and I did not see the story draggin on at all! The characters and storyline were smoothly blended, the art and lettering meshed well together, and all in all, this was a publication that I enjoyed reading. Enough so that I wanted to publish a review blog about it today! My comic book grade for this publication is a NEAR MINT, (NM) 9.4 on a 10.0 grading scale. I wanted to post a little bit about Blair's history in comics here, but the web site's 'about' tab contains an Error 404. So I'll just mention his web sites to you to follow up on... The Possum has a Facebook Fan Page, which can be found here. Please note, it hasn't been updated for a while. The Possum has its own web site, as found here. We don't have any xtra copies of this publication for sale. Plus I don't have anywhere to refer you to other than his web site, which does have all three (3) of the issues of The Possum. Which you can view and order by clicking this link. Please note that the prices quoted are in Canadian Dollars, but YOU can use PayPal to pay for your purchase(s)! --------------------------- Thanks again, Blair, for sharing your time with me at the recent San Diego Comic-Con International! PLUS: My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over 3,230 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! ~ Michael D Hamersky @