
Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3235 -(Reposted): Last night Tina and I once again joined a few of our neighbors at the 3rd Night of the 2010 Leo Carrillo Film Festival. This is the same Film Festival I blogged about a couple of weeks ago about the Festival Season arriving soon, (see here for full film schedule in my earlier post). So Yes...It's THAT TIME of Year Again for those that are relatively close to Coastal North San Diego County to attend this Film Festival! Because I have taken on a project that is keeping me away from the home office during the day for the rest of this month, Tina arrived early with the neighbors to save us a spot in the main section of the film area! Unfortunately, even though they were there early, the front section was already full for those with high back chairs like our group had! So it was to front of the back section for them! If YOU go to one of the remaining two nights, please be advised that it's first come...first takers of the grounds area. Note: Only low back chairs are permitted up in front of the front section. So get there early if you don't have those size of chairs! Plus when I arrived there at 6:12 PM, there were only 4 car spaces on the parking lot section. When we left for the night, I noticed that the grounds area in the dirt, with no lights had been used for additional parking. So again, if YOU are attending, get there early!
I took a photo of the menus so you can see what what offered. Because the 'Hot Dog Night' went over so well, the staff is going to have 'Hot Dog Night' NEXT Week also for the 4th Night of the Festival! Last week there was a 'Trivia Game'. This week there wasn't. However there a new 'Opportunity Drawing', which I played again in support of the Ranch.
Plus I had to bring Tina over to the Prize Table to show here the Barn Owl Hand Puppet. That's because we know there is a barn owl on the Ranch Grounds, which is very hard to find at times. It hides very well during the day! Definitely not as easy to find as the white peacock, which is a rarity in the wild, and very popular with guests to the Ranch! As mentioned before in this blog, Tina loves to look for that white peacock that roams the grounds with the other peacocks. You can walk the grounds befor the film starts if you arrive early enough, or take a shortened docent tour of the Hacienda only also. If YOU haven't taken in a full docent tour of the grounds on Saturday or Sunday yet...You are missing a great tour!
Again, for those of YOU that haven't been to this Leo Carrillo Film Festival, here's what happens per the publicity info: Nostalgic entertainment under the stars at a real movie star retreat. Admission is free. Movies start promptly at sunset. Grounds open at 5 p.m. for picnics and tours. Complementary tour of the hacienda is offered one hour before sunset. Guests should bring low-back chairs, blankets, and a flashlight. Warm clothes and appropriate shoes are recommended for uneven terrain throughout the park. An episode of “The Cisco Kid” precedes the film screening. Films are not rated. Parental discretion is advised. Closed captioning is not available unless otherwise indicated. Now here's what the City of Carlsbad and the Friends of Leo Carrillo Ranch, Inc. showed last night as the third film in the 2010 Leo Carrillo Film Festival:
I found this film to a good character study of the main characters in the film, as well as having some action sequences. Broderick Crawford was outstanding in his role as 'Dude McNair', and Constance Bennett played a great role as 'Kye Allen'. I really enjoyed seeing Ward Bond, (I enjoyed Wagon Train because of him!), as 'Rock Delaney' in this film, although you couldn't tell from the film poster that he was in it! Leo played an Italian con man...good role there!
The film, although another short one at 73 minutes, was a good film to see under the stars at the Leo Carrillo Film Festival! (For those of you reading this, and thinking that it would be cool to attend next week's Film Festival...Here's what is scheduled for next week:
A musical biopic of the legendary 19th century musical comedy star. Discovered in 1880 by bandleader Tony Pastor (Leo Carrillo), Lillian Russell (Alice Faye) wastes no time rising to fame and fortune on the Broadway stage as well as attracting a flurry of eligible bachelors. Starring: Leo Carrillo, Alice Faye and Don Ameche. That looks to be a good film to watch under the star next week! PLUS: What would the Leo Carrillo Film Festival be without an episode of The Cisco Kid from the TV Series that had an original run from September 5, 1950 – March 22, 1956?! The episode that was shown last night was 'The Will', which was pretty suspensful for a half-hour show! We enjoyed this one, although the shooting from horseback wasn't too straight! As I mentioned in last week's blog...This is the 6th Season of the Leo Carrillo Film Festival! Plus I had suggested getting there early for the Opening of the New Exhibit that was Previewed the Night before to invitees only for a private party. The crowd was a large one, about the size of this year's Opening Night, and I, as others made their way to check out the New Exhibit also!
Well, I am pleased to see that Gerry' Exhibit is OUTSTANDING! Yeah, I know...I teased all of you with photos of the exhibits at the top of this blog post, and didn't get to talking about it until here...but I wanted to 'tease' you into going to seeing this great exhibit yourself! I shot 131 photos last night, most were on items in the exhibit, it is that good! Kudos to Gerry for Exhibit Writing and Curating this Event! I suggest highly that YOU attend this Exhibit also, which is only open for docent tours hours. Please contact the folks that handle that for days & hours. And even better, the tours are FREE!
So to finish up blogging about last night's 3rd Night of the 2010 Leo Carrillo Film Festival...The audience was as large in numbers as Opening Night. The staff working the event were friendly as always, and the 'Hot Dog Night' was a great sucess...Enough to have it again Next Week! The Cisco Kid episode was a good one with both action and storyline, and gave those who were new to the Festival last night a taste of that TV series. Add to that the Opportunity Drawing Prizes given away at intermission were really good prizes once again! And the character study / action film that was shown...Made it a Great 3rd Night at this year's Film Festival! My thanks again to all of those involved with having this Film Season continue. There were several hundred folks there last night that appreciated it!
There were 40 issues of the Cisco Kid comic book title from Dell Comics, starting in January of 1951 and ending with the Oct/Dec 1958 issue! Here's a link to all of those covers! PLUS: Here's a link to the blog posts that we've blogged about in the past to show you what's at the Leo Carrillo Ranch, as well as what fun we had at the Leo Carrillo Film Festival in recent years: Click here for the link! Thanks again to the City of Carlsbad, and to the people. Plus Gerry Streff for personally explaining the exhibit she curated! Plus the Friends Of folks for making the Ranch Docent Tours and the Film Festival possible this year! Yeah, I'm more excited that this place is in the City of Carlsbad, then I am about LegoLand being nearby!
And I still make this offer...If YOU are attending and see Tina and myself there...Stop by and say hello! I'm usually wearing my straw hat and wearing one of my 'Comic Book Collectors' indigo colored polo shirts to these events, (as seen at the top left photo of this post)! PLUS...My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now over the 3,230 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! I would appreciate that! ~ Michael D Hamersky @