
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3245: Today's post is another in a series of reviews on publications that I found at the recent SGV Comic Book Festival that took place on Sunday, September 19th! The reason I am moving this review blog up in the stacks to post is that although I had not met Acee at a different con in July, (the San Diego Comic Con), I did see a promo at the 'TAT' Booth at that con. (The Antidote Trust booth.) I did not blog on this comic book at that time, but after meeting Acee in person at the SGV Comic Book Festival, I wanted to mention his creations in this blog... Here is 'My Take' on the introductory / promo issue of Workshop Presents: Graphic Novela Vol 1, #1:Front & Back Covers - I wondered why the back cover was mostly blank (white). After checking the web site for this series, I found out why. It is for sketches drawn by the creator at comic cons, or via the mail. The front cover has the two main characters illustrated separately, taking up half of the front cover area to the the right. Not a bad idea, if presented and utilized that way at a con. A good marketing plan when personally introducing the comic book in person! Inside front cover - Good layout telling what to expect inside. With weblinks to follow up on and an e-mail address. Presented well for a casual browser... Splash page - Interesting figure presented. Interior Pages for first story - The next four pages are the intro for this character, The Disinterred Agent. The next pages six through eleven are on Warshop - with a splash page on page 6. Page 12 and the inside back cover are more house promo ads for this series. The Back Cover has been mentioned above. So this intro / promo comic book is a 14 page publication. It definitely is a 'teaser' promo, to gather interest in the upcoming volumes. I found the Disinterred Agent storyline to be an incomplete one, as there was little in the way of text to read. However the artwork and coloring made me turn the pages to the 5th & final page of this story that of course is 'To Be Continued'... I found the Warshop storyline to be a little more revealing in the five page teaser. The artwork was more sequential in portrayal, and the coloring fit the tone of the storyline well. The costume was an interesting choice, and I found myself wanting to see more...Which of course would have to be in another issue...! My comic book grade for this promo / introductory publication is a VERY FINE / VERY FINE PLUS, (VF/VF+) 8.25 on a 10.0 grading scale. That's because it is basically a promo / intro comic with more to deliver in future issues. What Acee has done here is more of a 'teaser' publication. Which is okay for a first presentation of the characters, because he is not charging for the comic book at this time for USA residents. As mentioned above, it is a total of 14 pages including the covers. This is mre than a sketchbook, yet less than a 'split-book' comic book like the Silver Age Marvel Comics titles like Strange Tales with the Human Torch & Doctor Strange as the two features. Here are the links to the comic book's web site, and to his company's web site: and where you can find out more. Please note that both are currently under construction. If YOU are in the SoCal area...You can meet him at the Long Beach Comic Con in October! Definitely worth the time to stop at his table to see his series and portfolio! ---------------------------
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