
Topic: Comic Book History
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3320: Tina and I are still suffering from bad colds that we picked up during our Holidays Vacation Trip to Las Vegas. So I wanted to read something that would be both 'fun' and 'light' to read. Which got me to pull out the TPB from Bongo Comics titled "Best Radioactive Man Event Ever". This was given to me by the penciller, Tone Rodriquez, who I met once again at a comic con, this time at the 2010 Long Beach Comic Con, (LBCC), held during Halloween Weekend. I've seen Tone several times in the past few years at comic cons, but haven't really seen much of his published work. Whenever I've gone by his table, usually in the 'Artist Alley' of those cons, he is always with his head down, busy illustrating sketches for those that have commissioned him to draw for them. So he's always a busy guy at those cons! I mentioned that fact to Tone at the 2010 LBCC, and he asked me to come back on the last day of the con. When I did, he handed me several of his earlier published works, which included this TPB. Of course I was interested about this TPB. I've mentioned before that I enjoyed the character Radioactive Man from Bongo Comics at my Facebook pages. I was doubly pleased to see that Batton Lash, (also pictured at the top right column of this blog post), was the writer of all three stories. So what did I find in this compilation of the three separate Bongo Issues? Well... It wasn't that 'light' of reading! This was a 96-page full color trade paperback, (TPB), which was limited to a print run of 1,000 copies for the 2009 Comic-Con International: San Diego. It reprinted the three-part 'Summer Crossover Event' that ran in 'Simpsons Comics' #155, 'Bart Simpson' #48, and 'Simpsons Super Spectacular' #9. As I stated in the beginning of this blog, the story was written by Batton Lash, with pencils by Tone Rodriguez and inks by Andrew Pepoy, who I haven't mentioned here yet. I found the storyline to be 'fantastic' in a 'great' way. The story and dialogue were well written by Batton, with plenty of comic book 'insider' jokes to keep me laughing! Plus the spacing of the panels and the illustrations therein were portrayed very well by Tone, with inks by Andrew! Everything meshed smoothly and was a Great read! I am so glad that these three issues, which I normally would not buy off the newstands, were compiled into this TPB. This is what TPBs are for, in my opinion. Three different titles, three different issues, with a 'Summer Crossover Event' spilling over into each title, collected for easier reading. Was it the 'Best Radioactive Man Event Ever'?! Well, considering I'm thinking it's the 'only' one published so far, (but I'm not 100% sure on that!), the answer would have to be Yes! But, I truly would say Yes anyways, because this 3 issue story arc confirms my belief that this sequential art format is one that is worth reading, no matter what the reader's age! I would give this TBP the highest grade I award... A Near Mint (NM) 9.4 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. Where do YOU get a copy of this 1,000 print run TPB? Well... I've looked, and it would appear that this is a HTF (Hard To Find), Trade PaperBack! So, I don't have a link to send you to; even the publisher doesn't seem to have it, and points to Amazon for back issues of its other TPBs. My thanks to Tone Rodgriguez for introducing this TPB to me and the other sets that he asked me to look at. I'll be blogging about those in the weeks to follow. Plus... My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,320 total posts in number! I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog! BTW, You can 'follow' this Blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,133 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet...I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky, of 'Michael D Hamersky On Comics' - my New Facebook Fan Page, and Facebook Comic Con | Make It So Marketing - my Facebook Group Page which is under the 'virtual umbrella' of 'Facebook Comic Con'! Plus of course this blog,!