
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3358: As blogged about earlier this week in Blog #3356; this weekend I'm going to a sci-fi and fantasy con in San Diego, (ConDor XVIII). So when going through the 'Read & To Be Reviewed' box again this morning, I came across this comic book that was previously sent in for possible review. Still being on a sci-fi & fantasy 'kick' this week in preparation for the above mentioned con, I decided to blog about this comic from Ethan Tarshish & Kelly Brown. When I last posted about a comic book series based on 'The Wizard of OZ' series of books, (see this blog #3322 on Ozopolis #1), I was contacted by Ethan Tarshish about his comic book series titled 'Woe is OZ'. I invited him to submit a copy for possible review in this blog, (details on how to are shown at my Facebook Fan Page), which he did. Here is what Ethan & Kelly show at their web site as to what their series is about: "The Witch of the West has been defeated. Ruggedo, the villainous Nome King, has been destroyed. Basking in the wake of victory, Oz is going through a time of self-discovery. But smoldering beneath the surface, a fire still burns. The Winkies (a working class society that live in the western quadrant of Oz) are held accountable for their complicity in the Witch’s rise to power. In the eyes of the citizens of Oz, Winkies are seen as villains. A decree is made by Queen Ozma, that they are to atone for their war crimes by being forced into a role of servitude and labor to those most affected by their actions; the Munchkins. A new threat is found in two Winkie Demonstration leaders, a husband and wife team, Umb and Ra. They preach equality and fair treatment for Winkies, stressing that Ozma’s decree is ill deserved, and quickly gain a following. But behind their message is a much darker agenda, the utter destruction of the Munchkins, and the complete overthrow of Queen Ozma. This is a world full of magic and fantasy, where anything can happen; these are the characters you only thought you knew. Welcome to a brave new chapter in the world of Oz. With a war imminent, the peaceful walls of the Emerald City are about to come crashing down, and a new order will arise. Dark is the future. Woe is Oz!" So what is 'My Take' on this series, based on the first two comic books sent in for possible review? Well, as you can see from the above promo blurb, this series is just a little bit more 'grim n' grittier' than what is presented onscreen with the original film with Judy Garland! Nothing wrong with that, as it has been a long time since 1939 when the 'Wizard of OZ' has been released. As well as all of the original OZ books, as shown in this link. There has been 'evolution' of styles and genres of writing since those years, of course. The first two comics of this series are not 'over the top' in depicting grim n' gritty, but it isn't for young children, as seen by the 'splash page' of issue #1 with a closeup of the Lion with blood all over his face. Pages 2 & 3 are a two page depiction of a battlefield after it is over, with bodies sprawled all over... So now that the 'setting' is shown, the storyline continues to move. I've already shown above what the premise of the series is about. So, I'll say this... The story shows a 'darker' OZ, which a lot of illustrated fantasy publications show nowadays. Thus if you are into a 'darker' Oz, then this storyline will keep your interest. If you are going into this thinking it is going to be like the original film... Then you are going to be surprised. It is not a bedtime story to read to your younger children! The artwork is similiar to other illustrated fantasy comics that have been published in the last few years. Not that it is a 'copy' or anything, but it is definitely not a childrens' illustrated book. It still has what some would call a 'cartoony' or 'fantasy' art style to it, but in my mind the artwork fits the story that is being told. According to the web site, 'Woe is OZ' is illustrated & designed by Kelly Brown, while written by Ethan Tarshish. They make a good collaborative team in the first two issues for the 'Land of OZ' that they want to center on. Again, I want to state that this series is NOT for young children, nor possibly for young pre-teens. Issue #1 has a little more 'blood' than what most would think a 'Wizard of OZ' series would have, while Issue #2 has a 'sexual scene'. This is not what the general public would think a series of OZ comic books would have in its interior pages. Which is why I am emphasizing that here. There is no longer a 'CCA seal of approval stamp' on any comics that are printed. That 'code approved' seal officially ended February of 2011. Then again, the title of the series does state: 'Woe is OZ'...! Which is where this creative team appears to be taking this comic book series! My review rating for this comic book is a VERY FINE / NEAR MINT (VF/NM) 9.0 out of a 10.0 comic book grading scale. You can find these comic books for sale at the 'Woe is OZ' web site. There is also a Facebook Fan Page for the series, 'Woe is OZ'. My thanks to Ethan Tarshish for submitting the first two issues of this comic book series for possible review here in my blog! ~Michael D Hamersky
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To mail printed items to us for possible review, send to: Make It So Marketing Inc., PO Box 130653, Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA ![]() However, I have reached the maximum limit of 5,000 Facebook Friends and Fan pages in my network already, so I've added a New 'Facebook Fan Page' for myself so that even more of YOU can 'Like' what I am doing, and be interactive with me and others there. Here is the link to that 'Facebook Fan Page': Michael D Hamersky On Comics! Please click the 'Like' button on that page!