
Topic: Comic Books - New
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3379: Martin T Pierro, Publisher at Cosmic Times, sent me the 1st issue of this 5 issue mini-series just before its preview at the MegaCon in Florida this past weekend! I've already review blogged Martin's own series, Arthur - The Legend Continues #1, and this is the first mini-series that he is publishing that he didn't create. Here's the publisher's promo on this series: "Set against the backdrop of intergalactic corporate manipulation, Souled follows the crew and passengers of the space-freighter Another Man’s Trash as they uncover a mystery on the edge of the universe that transcends even the barriers of life and death. “Souled” is a five-issue FULL COLOR mini-series from Cosmic Times that made its premiere March 25th 2011 at MegaCon in Orlando." So what is 'My Take' on this series? First of all, I didn't see the Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) 2010 Edition of this comic book. So for an intro issue to a five issue story arc... I thought that the concept shown here in issue #1, (of 5), was an interesting one. The Splash Page used most of the space to tell us what had happened and what was happening in the future of the Universe of 'Souled'. Which was a good intro, as the front cover showed four individuals that didn't exactly give me an idea of what this series would be about. The 2nd page of the interior pages displayed the credits. It wasn't until the 3rd page that the story actually started. The storyline picked up, introducing the main character and showed the reader what the cargo of the space ship was. The artwork was fine, however the colors at first threw me slightly 'off', until I realized that this spaceship didn't have the brighter illuminations inside that a lot of space stories present. The 'action' sequences of the storyline picked up the pace until all too soon, at page 24, the 'To Be Continued' phrase was shown at the bottom right of the page! The inside back page was a repost of the credits from page 2, but laid out in a different format. Plus there was the messages from the crators with thier thanks to supporting friends & family. The back cover was a 'house ad' for 'Decisions' from I found the concept presented in this 1st of 5 issues mini-series to be one I would want to follow. The 'set-up' of the future and the main characters was done well by Christopher Faulkner. The pencils by Zach Bassett and the inks by James Whynot meshed well with the storyline. The colors by Kevin Zeigler was the only thing that seemed not to mesh as well for me, but I'm thinking that 'lighting' the interiors of the space ship was what threw me off. I'll wait to see how the planet's colors are shown, in the next issue, before making a final 'call' on that aspect. All in all, I believe this is a fine start for the first mini-series published by that was not also created by Publisher Martin T Pierro. My review rating for this '1st Issue' is a VERY FINE PLUS (VF+) 8.5 out of a 10.0 possible comic book grading scale. For those of YOU that would like to see more of this concept, please check out their Facebook Group Page: Cosmic Times. For the web site of this series, where YOU can purchase a copy of the first issue, please see: My thanks to Publisher, Martin T Pierro, for bringing this new series to my attention! ~Michael D Hamersky
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