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Friday, June 10, 2011
My Take On: Bob The Angry Flower: Rothgar by Stephen Notley
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New


Michael D Hamersky On Comics Reviews:

Bob the Angry Flower: Rothgar!

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Top Photo: Stephen Notley holding a copy of 'Bob the Angry Flower: Rothgar'.  As seen at the 2010 Comic-Con International: San Diego!



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3433:

I saw Stephen Notley again at the last Comic-Con International: San Diego, (SDCC), as seen in the above right photo.  He wasn't hard to find, as he is usually seen appearing as 'Bob the Angry Flower'!

However, because there has always been a crowd at his booth each year that I had walked by, I hadn't had a chance to talk with him until the last SDCC. This last time I did, and found out about his then latest book, which is also pictured above, at the top left. (Right click the book photo, and you'll see a larger pic.)

Here's what the promotional blurb says the TPB is about:

"Loaded to bursting with mad crackers, vengeful geats, blithely oblivious royalty and wholly unnecessary Doctor Who references, Bob the Angry Flower: Rothgar is the newest, latest and most recent Bob the Angry Flower book ever to exist so far!"

152 Pages | Black & White 7x8.5" TPB

Okay... That didn't tell me much, so I had to dig right in to the book itself!

This TPB appeared to be a compilation of several comics strips put together for printing in a book format. Upon further research after reading the book I found the following:

"Bob the Angry Flower is a black-and-white comic strip that tells the exploits of an easily angered anthropomorphic flower named Bob and his interactions with the world, often in search of either global domination or love. Though the strip features a range of recurring characters, most strips stand alone with little or no continuity."

So what I figured when reading the book was true. !

In addition I read this:

"Bob the Angry Flower is the creation of Canadian cartoonist Stephen Notley, a native of Edmonton, who has been based in Seattle since early 2005. The cartoon has been carried, at different times, by several local newspapers and magazines including See magazine, Vue Weekly, the Edmonton Journal, and The Gateway. Notley also generally posts new strips to his website every Friday." 

You know, as I read this book further, over several nights, I found that the themes or story arcs printed in the book made sense, except that it took a while to meet 'Rothgar', which you would think would be a main part of this book...!

Rothgar does appear, starting on page 86 and ends on page 95.  Which seemed a little strange to me, what with 'ROTHGAR' being the featured name on the front cover of this book.  However this section in the book was in color, while the rest of the book was in black & white.

Again, after reading the book, I found this was to be true for the other books in this series as follows:

There are currently six books published, mostly consisting of compiled cartoons from the weekly series, with a few extra features. They are:

   In Defence of Fascism (1997) (ISBN 978-0968217504)
    Coffee with Sinistar (1999) (ISBN 978-0968217511)
    Everybody vs. Bob the Angry Flower (2001) (ISBN 978-0968217528)
    Bob the Angry Flower: The Ultimate Book of Perfect Energy!!! (2003) (ISBN 978-0968217535)
    Dog Killer (2005) (ISBN 978-1892391346)
    Pamplemousse (2008)

You know... Reprinting the comic strips like this was a pretty good concept, and one that I could understand to be more 'readable' in this format, instead of searching for the comic strips in the webcomic online.

I must mention that there are words used that are not for young children, and possibly some concepts presented that may be considered 'over the top', ('Freddie the Flying Fetus') in the online comic strip.

The webcomic itself was launched in 1992.  I know that I have seen 'Bob the Angry Flower' at the SDCC for a few years, always with a crowd at the booth.

I found the TPB to be one that jumped around a bit.  From 'Cracker Comix' to 'Bob' to 'Cracker Comix' to 'Rothgar' to 'Cracker Comix'.  I think you get my drift here...

Again, with the Title words shown on the front cover, 'Rothgar' at the top, and 'Bob The Angry Flower' at the bottom right, I would have expected to see more 'Rothgar' than what was presented in this TPB, than what was shown.

This TPB is probably best read in small chunks like I did, when reading it over several nights.

My comic book grade for this TPB is a VERY FINE / VERY FINE PLUS (VF/VF+) 8.25 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale.

Here's the info you will need to find this book:

This is a POD (Print On Demand) TPB from ComiXpress as found here.  Note from the printer: All items are printed-to-order. Please keep in mind that there will be production time as we produce your personal copy of this title. 

For easy purchase to the earlier books in the series, here's a link to just one that is shown at Amazon: Bob the Angry Flower: Dog Killer

Stephen's own web site for this concept can be found at Bob The Angry Flower.

I do not see a Facebook Fan Page for this webcomic, just a 'community page', thus no link at this time will be presented here.

My thanks again to Stephen for bringing this TPB to my attention at the comic con! (Please note:  Although I am a bit slow in reviewing this TPB, this is the latest book in the series!)

~Michael D Hamersky

My thanks again to all of YOU reading this blog and our archived blog posts, now at 3,433 total posts in number!  I do appreciate your continued reading and support of this Blog!

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~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, June 10, 2011 7:14 AM PDT
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