
Topic: Comic Book History
TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3440:
I had to go back a ways for those comic book book covers, as today's comics don't really have any examples of Fathers that I'd like to present here. The TV shows since the early to mid 1960s just haven't presented Fathers in 'good light', IMO. I know that I am divorced from my kids mother, so all is not 'rosy' in the 'real world'. But I'd rather not present here the more 'grim n gritty' comics that present Fathers in a non-flattering way. And as the main blogger for this Blog, that is my right to do so. Talking about Fathers, the above photo is from last weekend, when my cousin came out to see his Uncle Francis, (my Dad), for the 1st time. Richard Francis, seen at the far right, had been 'lost' to us for decades, as his father, (my Dad's oldest brother), had died years ago, and his wife had gone back East and re-married. Richard Francis' step-father had adopted him, and the rest of the family had lost contact with him after that. It was only last year that my Dad's younger brother, Victor, had located him, and invited out to that year's family reunion. Richard Francis decided to look up the rest of his biological father's family, including my dad, Francis, to see how the rest of the family were like, as he had not grown up with them around. The above photo from left to right are: Francis Lewis, Michael D (me), Francis 'Frank', and Richard Francis. I thought it was timely to present that pic in this blog today. And no, my sister, Carolyn Sue, was not able to make it down for the get gogether last weekend. She is in Juneau, Alaska, which is just a little far aways to come down for everything! Tomorrow, I'm taking my youngest son, Vinnie, with us to celebrate Fathers Day at my Dad's, where we'll have sandwiches, chips, and cake! Afterwards, Vinnie, Tina & I will be going to attend Semantink's Comic Savvy Meetup in the Mission Valley Area of San Diego, where like minded comics fans will meetup for coffee and conversation at the Milano Coffee House. A great way for us to end Father's Day, doncha think?! Here's to all of you having a great Fathers Day with your father should he still be with you. And if not, take a little time to think about him on this special day / weekend. And a "Happy Father's Day to MY Dad"! Best, ~Michael D Hamersky
BTW, You can 'follow' this blog by clicking the 'Follow' Button at this NetworkedBlogs app! We currently have over 2,461 'Followers'! Thanks to ALL of YOU that have already clicked that button! And for those of YOU that haven't yet... I would appreciate it if YOU would!!! ~ Michael D Hamersky Note: My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...! If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at: Web Page Note: This blog post is written for the IE Browser standards. Chrome, Safari, Netscape, Firefox and the other browsers serve the page up differently, sorry about that!The screen display resolution is best seen at the setting of 1024 x 768 on your laptop or desktop computer. NOTE: All images and characters within this blog post are copyright and trademark their respective owners.
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