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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My Take On: The OUTER Limits - The Complete Second Volume DVD
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: TV Shows


Michael D Hamersky On Comics Reviews:

The OUTER Limits!

The Complete Second Volume!

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Photos: (topmost above) One of the eighteen comics books in the Outer Limits comic book series from Dell Comics. (Issue #15 cover dated September of 1967.) (above left top) The DVD cover to Season One - Volume Two of the TV Show.



TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3442:

I wanted to 'introduce' my wife, Tina, to this TV Show Series, as I wasn't able to watch all the episodes of this show when I was growing up, and she hadn't really seen any of them before, to her recollection.

I was only eleven years old when this show hit the airwaves. The episodes were shown at 7:30 - 8:30 in the 1963-4 Season, but as there was only one TV set in the house, I didn't get to watch them until the summer re-runs. As my folks would watch 'To Tell The Truth' & 'I've Got A Secret' on CBS! For what else was on during this season, please see this link!

The second season, it was a little easier for me to watch the series on ABC, as the competition was 'Jackie Gleason' on CBS, and Flipper / The Famous Adventures of Mr. Magoo.  However, the second season was cut short!

Plus I don't think that mom liked this TV series from the very beginning of the series intro each episode.  It ran like this:

"There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits."

So I can see why my mom didn't exactly go for this show for myself or my younger brother, who was nine at the time.  My little sister, Carolyn, would have been only two years old, so the scary-ness factor could have affected our being able to watch it too!

Here is the link to the Dell Comics published for this TV Series, that started in 1964.  The comic book cover at the top right was one that reminded me of this DVD set, as there were multiple stories in the comic book, just like there were in the DVD set.  The comic book series was published quarterly, which was never a good thing for me to try to buy to read. 

Buying comics at the 'spinner rack' at my local 7-11, quarterly meant missing most of the issues, if any came in at all.  The comic book series ran quarterly the whole period of time that Dell published them. BTW, the comic book series ran from January - March 1964 - October 1969!

The TV Series only ran for two seasons, September 16, 1963 – January 16, 1965, with 49 episodes shown.  Which kind of makes it only one & a half seasons in my mind... So the comic book series outlasted the TV show series!

So what episodes did this 2 DVD set have that we watched?

Disc 1-Side A

Don't Open Till Doomsday
A young couple's honeymoon is cut short by the horrifying contents of a mysterious box.

A queen bee with sinister intentions is transformed into a human to seek out the perfect mate.

The Invisibles
A government agent infiltrates a secret criminal organization that uses repulsive alien parasites to control its members.

The Bellero Shield
An ambitious scientist, with hopes of taking over his father's corporation, creates a laser that inadvertently brings a gentle alien to Earth.

Disc 1-Side B

The Children Of Spider County
A powerful alien from the planet Eros returns to Earth to rescue and claim his son who has been charged with murder.

Specimen: Unknown
The crew aboard a space station investigates the death of a young lieutenant and uncovers a strange and deadly new life form.

Second Chance
Believing that they're going on a mere carnival ride, a crew of discontented dreamers unknowingly boards a space ship bound to save the future of the human race.

Lunar colonists find themselves in grave danger when they attempt to aid five fugitive alien scientists.

Disc 2-Side A

The Mutant
After being exposed to a radioactive ionic shower, a scientist on a distant planet develops telepathic abilities and is driven to madness.

The Guests
Trapped in a mansion run by a mysterious alien being, a pair of young lovers discovers that eternal life comes at a heavy cost.

Fun And Games
The fate of the entire Earth is at stake when a man and woman are transported to a satellite, where they must fight the members of an alien race for the amusement of their captors.

The Special One
A man with an intellectually gifted son is alarmed by the boy's sudden change in behavior and is suspicious of the boy's tutor, the mysterious Mr. Zeno.

Disc 2-Side B

A Feasibility Study
The people of Earth surprise their alien captors when an entire neighborhood is transported to another planet as part of a plan to enslave the human race.

Production And Decay Of Strange Particles
A nuclear accident creates a rift in the time/space continuum, tearing a hole in the very fabric of the universe and allowing deadly creatures to emerge.

The Chameleon
A government agent faces a crisis of conscience when he infiltrates a band of aliens marooned aboard the wreckage of a flying saucer.

The Forms Of Things Unknown
After murdering an abusive man, two women find themselves in a frightening house where the dead are brought back to life via a time-tilting machine.

I've got to say that this DVD set was just a 'little bit uneven' to introduce the series to my wife, Tina.  She ended up reading her books during several of the episodes!  This series was not as much fun for her, as it was for me!

Whereas for me, not having seen all of these, (there is only 12 of the 49 total series episodes presented here), it was a back to the past time travel experience for me... However, I did notice that the hour long episodes were sometimes just a little... Too long! 

Whereas another TV series during this time, 'The Twilight Zone' was just a half hour, with similar stories, 'The Outer Limits' seemed to have a few episodes that were stretched out too long when making the episode's point!

Yes, it was fun seeing several future TV Stars, like Leondard Nimoy, Marion Ross, etc., play roles in these episodes, but the hour long format was just too long when viewing them as an adult.  As a kid, the shows were just fine in length, even with the commercials stretching them out in length to the full hour!

I mentioned that the TV show had several actors that went on to bigger TV series... Well, here's a few that were involved in the comic book series, as this is after all... A blog on comic books!

Issue #1 had art by Vic Prezio and Jack Sparling.  Number 2 had script by Paul S. Newman, and art by Jack Sparling. #3 - art by Jack Sparling. The same with #4 through #11.  Issue 12 had script by Joe Gill, with art by Jack Sparling. Issues #13 through 14 had Jack Sparling art, plus a story penciled by Chic Stone. #15 - 16 had Jack Sparling art also.  #17 was a reprint of issue #1.  Back in those days the publishers figured that 'kids' would grow into and then out of comics every 5 years, and almost 5 years had passed since issue #1! Plus this series was a quarterly, and hard to find on the newstands!  The series ended with #18, which was a reprint of #2! 

Unbelievably there isn't a 'wiki' on Jack Sparling in Wikipedia!  There is one on Chic Stone, whose works at Marvel & ACG I have mentioned before in this Blog.

The reason for the lack of full credits on this comic books series is that comics creators in the early to late 1960's still weren't getting their names on the comics.  Yeah, even though it was the 'Silver Age of Comics', it was still in the 'dark ages'. BTW, here is the link where you can see the covers of all 18 comic books!

So, after viewing this DVD and thinking about the comic book series that came about from this TV series... What did I think about the DVD set?

Well... It was fun, but like Tina mentioned while sitting on the couch with me... The visual effects person must have a limited budget, as the sounds effects were always loud and shrill! 

That and hearing & watching the intro became just a little 'old' by the last episodes on the 2nd DVD. 

It would appear to me that this DVD set, which is just one of four may be of limited 'nostalgic' value to someone like me.  Maybe in smaller doses, instead of watching them every night for several days, it would be better. 

Being a 'reviewer', I have to watch these DVD sets in quick order, which may have affected my viewing response.  I did enjoy reading more about the series, including this entry at Wikipedia

Unlike 'The Twilight Zone' Marathons that I used to watch every year on TV... This DVD set just didn't have the same affect on me.  Which is a shame, because I would have thought that it would!

My comic book grade for this DVD set is a VERY FINE (VF) 8.0 out of a possible 10.0 grading scale. 

If taken in smaller 'doses' over the space of several weeks, it would probably be better viewed.  And for those of you that grew up during the time of this show, and couldn't watch them all, this is the better way to view the TV Series, where YOU have control of the DVD set, (wink!).

Here's the link where YOU can buy this DVD set online, as I don't have it listed for sale in my online comic book shop: The Outer Limits (Original Series) - Season 1, Vol. 2 !

Again, thanks for reading my blog, where today I combined a TV series with a comic book series, when revisiting my childhood past, which anyone today can viewon their own!

~Michael D Hamersky

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~ Michael D Hamersky


Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 6:51 AM PDT
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