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Friday, July 8, 2011
My Take On: Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Book Movies


'My Take' On
Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon!

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Photos: Above:  One of the Transformers 3 Dark Of The Moon Film Posters!  Top Left Photo:  At the Edwards Theater to see the Film on the Big Screen!

TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3457:

I do realize that this really isn't a 'comic book movie', but with a few series of comic books that have been published... I wanted to review blog it here today!

First, I'm going to say that both my wife, Tina, and I saw this film. However she is not going to separately review blog it, and I'll state why at the end of this post.

Second, for those of you that don't know what this film is about... AND don't mind a 'SPOILER WARNING' here's what the film is about, and it does go way into depth on it, but could help some to figure out what the heck is going on here, the Wikipedia entry for Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon'END SPOILER WARNING'. Don't read it if you don't want full details!!

Tina and I have seen the earlier two films in this series via DVD rental with my youngest son, but it just isn't a series that makes Tina want to pay the $$ to see it at the Big Screen.  For myself, I've read  several of the Transformers comic books, (heck, I buy & sell them in my online comic book shop!), but it isn't one of my favorite series, nor is it something I would normally be waiting to see on the Big Screen, like the upcoming Captain America film!

So, you now know what the film is about, if you read the link to the wiki, and you know that Tina and I don't place this series as a 'must see' at the Big Screen...  So what did I think of this 3rd entry in the series?

I've got to admit... The marketing people for this film know their audience and how to please them!

To the left is a movie lobby display for the Transformers 3 film. Great imagery reproduced to entice those going by it to want to see it!

As for myself, I would have to say that if I was really into this film series... I would have to see this one on the Big Screen for sure!

That's because of the non-stop action scenes! Michael Bay did what he does so well, with all kinds of explosions to keep the film moving!  

The actors weren't just clay dummies either... They worked the scenes, instead of just walking through them for a third paycheck. The fact that Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson and John Turturro returned to reprise their starring roles, along with Peter Cullen returning as the voice of Optimus Prime and Hugo Weaving returning as the voice of Megatron added continuity to the film series.  The lack of Megan Fox, who had another committment, wasn't really missed by me, as English model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley came in as a new love interest for Shia's role, and she did fine in my opinion.

For those that have seen the earlier two films in this series, it was almost like seeing old friends once again. For those coming into this 3rd film of the series, I'm sure that there was some catching up to do at the beginning of the film.

The continued story of Sam, (played by Shia), with his parents coming in to visit him, added a lot to the film for me.  The fact that their son still hadn't found a job after graduating college placed this film in the 'real world', where jobs are hard to find because of the poor economy at this time.  Some actual realism for a change, versus all of the sci-fi and action scenes.

A Big Plus for me was that the voice of Leonard Nimoy starred in this film.  It really added credence to the character of 'Sentinel Prime', who was portrayed to be much older!

Also, I do want to point out that we saw this in the regular 2D, not the Real D 3D, nor IMAX that the film could be seen in.   

However, we both found this film to be a little too long for us, not being Big Fans of the film series.  I'm sure that others that are 'into' this found it just the right length of playing time for the move! 

I give this film a FINE PLUS (F+) 6.5 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale.  That's because it does have a target audience and it should play well to them... Just that I'm not that into it, and it's been a while since Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009, so I didn't remember everything that had gone on before!  The 1st film in the series, Transformers in 2007, was actually the most memorable of the three for me, when I think back on it... And Megan Fox was 'hot', LOL!

As for Tina's comic book grade for this film... She gives it a FINE (F) 6.0 out of the same 10.0 comic book grading scale.  Even though this isn't her fave genre of movie, and the CGI was overwhelming for her... She was a good sport in attending the film, but it did not hold her interest enough to take the time to review blog it separately, what with her busy schedule...!

Both Tina & I believe this movie is worth taking in... IF YOU are already a Fan of this movie series. Especially at a BIG SCREEN near You!   Don't wait for the release of the DVD because there are many scenes that should be seen on the BIG SCREEN!  If you aren't a Fan of the movie series already, or the comic books, or the original cartoon series... Well, it would probably be best to wait for the DVD rental!

Yeah, this is kind of a 'strange' review this morning... But I can see the 'entertainment value' of this 3rd film in the series for a Fan of the series.  Otherwise... Catch 'Super 8' which is more for a general audience. Which I reviewed blogged earlier here!

~Michael D Hamersky

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~ Michael D Hamersky

Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item that was reviewed here today...!

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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, July 8, 2011 5:32 AM PDT
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