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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My Take On: Ron Dante - Favorites!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History


Ron Dante - Favorites

'The Voice Of THE ARCHIES'!

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 THE ARCHIE COMICS ITEMS ENDING SOONEST as seen at my online comic book shop!

Top Photo left column: The Voice of The Archies - 'Live In Person' at the 2011 Comikaze Expo in Los Angeles, California!
Photo at top of this column:  Tina LoSasso with Ron Dante and the CD: Ron Dante - Favorites!

TODAY'S FEATURE - Blog #3542:

This past weekend Tina and I attended the 1st ever ComiKaze Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

While walking through the exhibit hall, we came across a table that had Archie photos, Archie TPBs, and Archie CDs. In addition was the placard shown at the left of this blog post, which stated: 'Live In Person' - Ron Dante - 'Voice of the Archies'.

I immediately knew who we were seeing behind the table, as my friend, Joe Pepitone (aka JoepeP!), had talked to me on the phone about him before, and has posted a few great comments about Ron on his own Facebook profile page.

Telling Ron Dante about our mutual friend, we discussed a few quick topics, including what he was doing at ComiKaze, etc.

Of course both Tina and I knew of 'The Archies' cartoon band, and of his relationship with that series.

However, I had not seen the other CD on his table. Tina had picked it up, and I did also, commenting about the choice of tracks that Ron had included in this compilation of 'Ron Dante - Favorites'. 

That's because I knew ALL of the tracks, and exclaimed so outloud.

Well, we ended up leaving Ron's table with that CD, telling ourselves we would listen to it on the drive back to Carlsbad, a good hour and half down South of the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Indeed it was a great choice to listen to, as we headed down to 'El Maguey', our Favorite Mexican restaurant in Orange County.  After a long day or two at a comic book convention in either Los Angeles or Orange County, stopping there for their dishes with mole sauce is just heaven for Tina and myself!  No convention center food for us!  (Here's the link to their Facebook Fan Page so you can get the location and hours.  Truly recommended for those of you in the area, or traveling between LA & San Diego!)

Anyways, we listened to the CD on the way, and after a great dinner, we finished listening to it.  Or rather I should say, Tina finished listening to Ron sing and with me singing along!  She did say she preferred Ron's voice over mine, LOL!

Here's the info on what is on this CD:

First of all... The Tracks:

1.  Old Time Rock and Roll  
2.  I'd Wait a Million Years  
3.  Heaven Knows  
4.  That's Alright Mama  
5.  Windy  
6.  Temptation Eyes  
7.  Billy Don't Be a Hero
8.  Rock Me Gently  
9.  Let's Live for Today  
10. Cherish  
11. Black Is Black  
12. Rockin' Robin  
13. Happy Together  
14. Gimme Some Lovin'  
15. Bee Gees Medley  
16. Give Me Just a Little More Time  
17. I Go to Rio  
18. Midnight Confessions
19. Lay a Little Lovin' on Me  
20. Even After

Secondly, the liner notes gives a little background on Ron Dante, as a record producer, Broadway producer, and as a recording artist. With a note from Ron... and what musicians and singers accompanied Ron on this album.

I've got to say... Just the fact that this CD has six 'Grass Roots' songs in it made it something I'm going to play again and again while I'm driving! What a happy, upbeat CD compilation this is!   Which is exactly what we needed after the death of our parakeet on Friday morning before we left on Saturday for the ComiKaze Expo...

Tina was pleased that the songs were interpreted by Ron with being very close to the originals when sung, with only a couple of changes that she could tell. Those songs on this CD reminded her of being with her friends and family and brought back good memories.

And yeah, I did enjoy hearing Ron with the 'group', 'Cufflinks', back in 1969 with the hit song 'Tracy'.  For the story on that, you have to read this Wikipedia entry

So... I would have to say that one of the hi-lights for me at the 2011 ComiKaze Expo was meeting Ron Dante in person, and driving back home with his 'Favorites' CD playing on Sunday evening!  I'm sure I'll be listening to this CD for years to come!

Oh, and you can purchase this CD also, but you don't have to wait to see him at a convention.  Here's the link to purchase this CD online: Ron Dante - Favorites.

You can also find out more of what Ron is currently up to, including his upcoming performances schedule at his web site, RonDante.com!

And yes... I know... It's NOT a comic book, but my comic book grade for this CD is a NEAR MINT (NM) 9.4 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale. Highly recommended for listening to!

Thanks again to Ron Dante for taking the time to talk with us at the 2011 ComiKaze Expo!


~Michael D Hamersky On Comics!


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~ Michael D Hamersky

Note:  My online 'Local' Comic Book Shop (LCBS), carries many different genres of comics, magazines, graphic novels, and comic con promotional items. Possibly even copies of the item(s) that was mentioned here today...!

If I have it... You can find it 'Under The Big Top Of Comics' at:  


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 6:13 AM PST
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