
Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3595 - Yesterday I noticed on Norma Xenawannabe's Facebook profile page, that she was uploading photos from the 14th Annual Xena Con that was held in Burbank, California this past weekend. I of course clicked the 'Like' on her photo album, and a few photos also. After doing so, I then took a look at a couple of search engines for links on this latest, and supposed to be 'Final' Xena Con. The actual event can be seen at this link, as it was hosted by Creation Entertainment. Which was the same company that hosted the 1997 Hercules and Xena Con that I attended in San Diego, California at the Golden Hall in Downtown San Diego. The convention I attended appears to have been the 3rd individual one that was held after Creation Entertainment obtained the license from MCA to hold conventions based on the Hercules / Xena TV shows that were running. The 1st one was held during January 11th & 12th of 1997 at the Burbank Hilton Convention Center, with good coverage via this article. The 2nd con appears to have been held on May 31st of 1997 at the Sacramento Convention Center in Sacramento. You might be wondering... Didn't the Xena: Warrior Princess syndicated TV series a while back??? Yes, it did, way back in 2001, as seen here! But many of the cast and guest stars on the show have attended Xena Cons over the years, and there were several guests at the 2012 con as well. The photos presented at the top right of this blog show, (L-R), my two oldest sons at the front of the Golden Hall venue in San Diego with the date Nov 2 showing; myself under the sign showing that the Hercules and Xena Con only ran from 1 - 7 PM on that date, and yes I'm wearing a 'Xena' t-shirt; and then a photo with several 'Xenas' on stage. The final photo, (not mine), is a promotional shot of the four main characters of the two shows, 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys', and ' Xena: Warrior Princess'. Unfortunately during the 1997 period I did not have a very good camera, thus most of the pics came out dark for this convention. Plus at that time, I wasn't blogging, social networking, or using those photos for any other purpose other than having them for my own / family viewing.
Thus I suggest highly that you check out Norma Xenawannabe's photo album at her Facebook page. Hopefully you'll be able to view it, as her 'privacy' setting should be set to 'public'. The title of the album is '2012 Xena Con'. My thanks to Norma, (shown at the right in the photo to the left), for sharing photos from this past weekend's con! Again, I find it fascinating that this convention has lasted for 14 years, starting in 1997. The show itself ran for 6 seasons with 134 total episodes, first aired from 1995 - 2001. As for 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys', where Xena started as a guest star for two episodes, that show ran for 6 seasons with 111 episodes and 5 TV pilot movies. Hercules, (the show), ran from 1995 -1999. Even though this year's con was called the 'Final Journey'... There appears to be a continuation for a 2013 Xena Con... And there is a Facebook Fan Page for it already. Perhaps I might take that one in...? If you are a Xena fan, and live out of the area... You might want to 'Like' that page and keep up with it, as well as check out the Xena Con page that Creation Entertainment presents. Be sure to check the pricing of the event attendance as well as for the fact of all of the additional charges for autographs and photo ops, before you decide to attend...! My Facebook Fan Page will have a special photo album for photos that I took during the 1997 convention, although I will have to 'Photoshop' them for uploading later. Those will be seen at the '1997 Hercules And Xena Con' photo album, as time permits. Another Facebook Fan Page, Xena OnCon, with the tag line: "The number one place to be during the convention for all those fans who can't make it to Burbank!" can be found by clicking this link. As one last link, there is a start already for a 20th Anniversary Con. Where? Where else but in New Zealand, as can be seen at this link, 20TH XENA ANNIVERSARY Fan Convention, 6-7-8 February 2015. "The Ultimate Auckland Convention", which is not run by Creation Entertainment. For those of you that don't know... Xena was filmed in New Zealand, so it fits that the area would have an anniversary con! ~Michael D Hamersky On Comics!
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