
Topic: Comic Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3717 - Tina and I are back from attending the 2012 Stan Lee's ComiKaze Expo that ran Saturday & Sunday this past weekend... First, here is the link to the special photo album that I'm posting on my Facebook Fan Page: 2012 Stan Lee's ComiKaze Expo. I will be adding more photos in the days to follow in that album. Second, here are my thoughts on this year's convention, along with thoughts on improvements from last year's first ever ComiKaze: The convention hall was much improved over last year's. Instead of being in an underground parking lot, this year's Expo was on the 2nd floor. Much better location! The master layout was pretty well planned... With certain sections blocked off for other access, including the ComiKaze Zombie Apocalypse, Star City Games, Elvira's Macabre Museum, Stan Lee's Mega Museum, and more. The panels were actually held off the convention floor, up on the 3rd floor. Much better for those! The only exception was the convention floor stage, which was at the middle of the convention hall, at the back. With no chairs! It was tough standing on the concrete floor for the 45 - 60 minutes of each panel / program held there. Plus there were several changes in schedule that didn't exactly get out to everyone, so there was some confusion in what was happening and when at the convention hall stage. The line to get in on Saturday was quite long, and several people in line outside the convention hall, in the 100 degree heat gave up and left. However, on the ComiKaze Expo Facebook fan page, there was a note on Sunday morning that they would honor those Saturday slips on Sunday for those that had given up on Saturday to get in. I noticed that Sunday was much better in getting in, but those in line were kept outside in the heat again, at least at 10:30 on Sunday morning when I checked. There wasn't an 'Artist Alley' per se on the convention floor... Just rectangular shaped formations, and the artists were spread throughout the convention floor. Which made it tough to see all of them on Saturday. I made it through all the aisles on Saturday, so on Sunday, Tina and I mostly attended panels upstairs. There were vendors on the convention floor, and Saturday there were so many people there that in some areas it was hard to navigate through the aisles. Which is good that the Expo drew in that many attendees, but bad that the flow of traffic was interrupted. I found the panels upstairs to be of good quality, and the topics were varied. Either I or Tina will be blogging on a few of those in the near future, plus uploading videos from the panels to my YouTube Channel at Michael D Hamersky On Comics. On Sunday, we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Carpinelli, father of Regina and Fabiano, who are the organizers of this ComiKaze Expo. He has every right to be proud of his kids who have vastly improved this Expo over last year's first ever con. Just a little more tweaking is needed for the upcoming 3rd Stan Lee's ComiKaze Expo to make it run smoother... That Expo will be held next November 1st through 3rd in 2013! Oh, and you can see how others thought of this 2012 Expo by checking out the ComiKaze Expo Facebook Fan Page! ~ Michael
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