
Topic: Other Cons
TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3722 - Last night, Tina and I attended the Final Night of the 2012 Leo Carrillo Film Festival for 2012...! I'm sharing a few photos from the event here, and the rest will be uploaded to the special album, Leo Carrillo Film Festival September 21st of 2012. BTW... The 2012 Leo Carrillo Film Festival started this past August 17th... With a Special Presentation: Dinner & A Movie! As seen in this flyer: Dinner And A Movie. Tickets were reserved for only 150 attendees, with a cost of only $30 each person. Then, the following Friday night, August 24th, was the start of the Film Festival, which ran for five consecutive Friday nights, as seen at this link: Flyer for the 2012 Season. The cost for each of these Friday nights was 'Free'! For those of you that haven't attended any of the previous seven seasons... Here's the master link to my review blogs on what the earlier film festivals were like: Master Link. In addition, I've uploaded a video so you can see what to bring to these evenings: Leo Carrillo Film Festival video 2nd Night of the 2011 Festival. Okay... Back to last night! First, we arrived early enough to have dinner in the park! We brought our own, although there were hot dogs and other goodies at the pool shack. See the top right photos for the menu and service location. We each took turns walking the house buildings to see what was new since our last visit. Those photos are in the special album link. Then when it was sunset, we saw an episode of 'The Cisco Kid', in which Leo played 'Pancho'. After that was a trivia contest, where some nice prizes were awarded. I will be uploading a couple of videos from this period of time at my YouTube Channel in the near future. Then came the feature presentation from 1933... 'Moonlight and Pretzels'! An 83 minutes film, in black & white, it went well as the final film for the six night festival! The film, is identified in the IMDb web site, and also in the Wikipedia web site. Tina laughed at the film's ending, as it was so crazy... and I... Well I enjoyed the film, as it was a Depression 'period piece'. Some really nice songs and scenes, in my opinion. Although a little 'dated', heck it's almost 80 years old!, it was a good viewing outside under the stars. A good way to end the 2012 Leo Carrillo Film Festival! So, I want to say, don't forget to post on your calendar, that the 2013 Leo Carrillo Film Festival will start next August.... You have to have called in earlier to reserve the number of tickets for your party for each Friday night, which is a new procedure that was started this season! Oh... And don't forget to 'Like' the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Facebook Fan Page! BTW, Leo Carrillo was 'Pancho' in the 'Cisco Kid' western TV show... Should we have any of those comics or other westerns comic books, they would be listed here for sale! My thanks to all of those staff members and volunteers that worked the 2012 Film Season! ~ Michael
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