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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
My Take On: Space: 1999 Aftershock And Awe
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Comic Books - New
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Space 1999:
Aftershock And Awe
A Graphic Novel 
  From Archaia Entertainment


TODAY'S FEATURE IS BLOG #3811 -    Today's blog is on the graphic novel titled: 'Space: 1999 Aftershock And Awe' by Gaska, Morrow, Hueso, and Miki.  From Archaia Entertainment.

So what's the book about?

Here's the promotional info that I found:

The sci-fi classic series returns! September 13th: 1999 – An atomic accident causes the moon to be blown out of orbit and hurled into the unknown, the survivors of the lunar base stationed there launched towards their destiny across the stars. But what of the cataclysm and wanton destruction caused to the Earth in its wake?

Based on the classic science fiction television series SPACE: 1999 – and set in the continuity of the original series, AFTERSHOCK AND AWE steals a glimpse at an alternate history of mankind, and jump-starts humanity’s eventual destiny far out in space.

So what's my thoughts on this book?

Well... Quite honestly, I was sort of torn in reading this book.  That's because the first part of the book had artwork by Gray Morrow with Miki finishing it.  The second part of the book had visuals by David Hueso & Miki.  

The first part was outstanding in visual presentation, with kind of 'Old School' artwork.  Which I enjoyed!  The second part was rendered in a totally different style. 

The storyline re-tells the original "Breakaway" tale from 1999, plus also showing what happens to Earth in the aftermath. 

I found the storylines in the total book presentation to be one that was quite readable, even though I was not an avid fan of the TV series that ran from 4 September 1975 – 5 November 1977.

Here's the thing though... Gray Morrow, through 1976, was art director of Charlton Comics' black-and-white magazine Space: 1999, which was based on the TV series of that nameGray passed away in 2001, so this new book is a re-working of his art from the magazine.

What I figured out was that the author / story adaptor, Gaska,  used art from the classic Space: 1999 comics of the 1970s, along with new art, to actually expand on the series pilot episode titled: "Breakaway." He then added scenes that were either cut from or possibly never filmed for the original episode Then he introduced new material that helps link it all to the much larger story and then smooths out the inconsistencies that probably cropped up during the TV series two-year run.

I'm kind of torn about what comic book grade to give this book.  It's readable, and even enjoyable for someone like me that didn't watch the TV show all that much.  The book holds it own as good sci-fi reading.   And the artwork isn't that bad of a compilation...

So I'm giving this book a Very Fine / Very Fine Plus (VF/VF+) 8.25 out of a possible 10.0 comic book grading scale.  If you are already a fan of the TV show, then this book should be of value to you for reading.  If you aren't already a fan, but like good sci-fi reading, then this could fit that bill for you.

Here is the ordering info for the book:

Price:     $24.95
SKU:      978-1-936393-88-6
Weight:  1.50 LBS

If your LCBS doesn't have it in stock... Then you can order it here online: Space: 1999- Aftershock and Awe.  

~ Michael



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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 7:17 AM PDT
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